Daily Nation Newspaper



THE UPND has lamentably failed Zambians in the economic area and has instead plunged citizens into deep economic hardship as most Zambians are feeling the effects of the country’s runaway economy, Wynter Kabimba has said.

Mr Kabimba, the leader of the Economic Front ( EF) says it is no longer debatable that the UPND has failed to revive the economy because Zambians have continued wallowing in deeper poverty after being promised better, cheaper and easier cost of living.

“There is no doubt that we are living in a runway economy, I think has the UPND has failed to manage the economy of this country, it’s not a debatable issue that things that things are expensive,” Mr Kabimba said.

And Mr Kabimba has defended the Speaker of the National Assembly over the declaratio­n of nine Patriotic Front ( PF) seats vacant because, because according to him, it is the former ruling party that has failed to put its house in order long after the death of Mr Michael Sata, the founding father of the former ruling party.

Mr Kabimba said the UPND government had failed to manage the economy of the country to the satisfacti­on of many Zambians, including himself.

Mr Kabimba said hardly anybody in the country could afford the existing high cost of living and meet their daily needs.

He said the implicatio­n was that if people did not have sufficient nutrition the body becomes susceptibl­e to all sorts of diseases because the defence mechanism of the body was week due to lack of nutrition as they could not afford the needed food.

Mr Kabimba said if the current economic situation could be reversed, Government should ensure that Zambians became the prime drivers and participan­ts in the economy.

He said there was need to identify the components and factors of production that drove an economy on, which according to him was the expansion of the local banking sector.

Mr Kabimba said the banking sector had created a conducive environmen­t for small- scale businesses, including farmers to have access to finance to invest in their businesses.

He said unfortunat­ely Zambia has a banking sector that was foreign- owned and the interest of the owners was to make profits at the expense of the local people.

Meanwhile, Mr Kabimba, commenting on the expulsions of the nine MPs said the problem was with Mr Sampa himself more than the speaker.

He said PF has failed to address the leadership question that need to be addressed in the party from 2021 and because the question has not been answered, it was become an antenna of confusion.

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