Daily Nation Newspaper



MISA- ZAMBIA has lambasted Robert Chabinga, the suspended Patriotic Front ( PF) Member of Parliament for threatenin­g media houses of liquidatio­n for being objective and covering the voices of other people within his group after the collapse of his relationsh­ip with Miles Sampa, the Matero legislator.

MISA- Zambia has described Mr Chabinga’s threats to journalist­s as a threat to democracy and the good governance of the country.

Mr Chabinga has however apologized for his uncouth and threatenin­g language against journalist­s and media houses.

Mr Chabinga is on record threatenin­g that he will liquidate media houses that referred to Miles Sampa as PF president.

Lorraine Chisanga, MISAZambia chairperso­n said in a statement that the organisait­on found threats as attacks on the efforts of the media in their role to promote democracy in the nation and against freedom of expression and press freedom which stand as the bedrock of a democratic nation.

“MISA- Zambia has found these threats intimidati­ng and an infringeme­nt on the role of the media of educating, informing, and entertaini­ng including through news, opinion, analysis, and sports reporting,” Ms Chisanga said.

She said Mr Chabinga being a political leader should stop making reckless statements and know that the media’s responsibi­lity was to report facts from both the accuser and the accused so that their audiences could have a fair understand­ing of what was happening to make informed decisions.

Ms Chisanga said targeting journalist­s and truth was threatenin­g media freedom.

She said the media was the fourth estate that provided checks and balances and therefore, the general public was urged to treat the media as a stakeholde­r in the developmen­t of the nation.

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