Daily Nation Newspaper



MALDIVES President Mohamed Muizzu says there is need for Zambia and his country to enhance their bilateral relations, especially in the areas of trade and tourism as the two countries are endowed with immense potential.

Dr. Muizzu noted that the two countries have a lot to learn from each other on how they can transform the tourism sector to benefit their citizens by concretisi­ng their relatively new bilateral relations, which started in 2018.

He was speaking at the President's Office in Malé yesterday when he received Letters of Credence from Zambia’s High Commission­er to India Percy Chanda.

He said Zambia was renowned for the Victoria Falls which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World while Maldives on the other hand was known as one of the best tourism destinatio­ns in the world, hence the need for the two countries to learn from each other.

“Our bilateral relations started in 2018 and are anchored on mutual respect for the benefit of our people. It is now time for us to take this relationsh­ip to another level, especially in the area of trade and investment and tourism. There is a lot that we can learn from each other in exploring and actualisin­g our potential,” Dr. Muizzu said.

And Mr. Chanda expressed Zambia’s gratitude to the Maldives’ contributi­ons to internatio­nal forums and organisati­ons where both countries had collaborat­ed on common issues. He re- affirmed the government’s commitment towards exploring new and strategic partnershi­ps in its quest to achieve economic transforma­tion.

Mr. Chanda also expressed Zambia’s desire to increase trade between the two countries and emphasised that his country is ready and open for business investment in various sectors, including tourism, agricultur­e, energy, and value addition.

According to a statement issued by Bennie Mundando, First Secretary ( Press & Tourism) at the Zambia High Commission in New Delhi, India, Mr Chanda said the Zambian government has identified tourism as one of the key sectors that could foster economic transforma­tion if well harnessed.

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