Daily Nation Newspaper

Lunte Girls’ production unit produces 300 bags of maize


The Lunte Girls Stem School in Lunte District in Northern Province says it has produced over 300 bags of maize and 23 by 50 kg bags of beans through its production unit.

School Headteache­r, Astridah Mapulanga, says the school also has a garden where it is cultivatin­g different kinds of vegetables.

Ms. Mapulanga stated that the revamping of the production unit has seen the school give hands- on experience to girls who are acquiring different skills.

“We have cabbage, rape, and Chinese, and we also rear chickens, so we are able to feed the girls, even though it is not adequate. Most of the girls acknowledg­e that they had never done such activities before, but through the production unit, we can tell they’re enjoying and acquiring the skill, and some wish to venture into agricultur­e,” she said.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS, Ms Mapulanga added that the production unit has also reduced the expense of the school on hiring local people to do some work.

“The only challenge that we have is how expensive the farming inputs are because, as a school, we intend on increasing productivi­ty, but because of the high prices, it is quite challengin­g,” she said.

And Lunte District Commission­er, Joseph Chilando, has expressed happiness with the performanc­e of production units in secondary schools in the district.

Mr Chilando said it is commendabl­e that schools such as Mulenga Mapesa Secondary also sold their maize from the production unit to the Food Reserve Agency ( FRA).

He explained that the decision shows the potential of production units to contribute to food security.

“This shows that production units have the potential to contribute to the food security of the district and the country at large. At the same time, it is helping to impart skills to the learners,” said Mr. Chilando.

He has encouraged all schools in the district to continue implementi­ng the programme to increase production and emulate schools performing well.

Meanwhile, Mukapa Kaoma Secondary School Headteache­r, Bwisi Mulambya, said the school has managed to raise K28,000 from the vegetables under the production unit.

“So we intend to use the money to plant winter maize and other vegetables so that we can sustain the production unit and also continue teaching the learners about irrigation farming,” he said.

Mulenga Sekela, a pupil at Lunte Girls Stem School, said the pupil’s involvemen­t in the production unit will help secure more maize for the school and communitie­s.

Eva Chanda, another pupil at Lunte Girls Stem School, said she has acquired agricultur­e skills through her involvemen­t in the production unit.

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