Daily Nation Newspaper

If PF loses legally, they can still win politicall­y


Dear Editor, The UPND social media apologists are drawing parallels between Michal Sata kicking 22 PF MPs in 2006 and current Miles Sampa’s similar action of kicking out nine PF MPs whose seats have just been nullified by the Speaker of the National Assembly.

True, Michael Sata kicked out 22 MPs who defied his order not to attend the National Constituti­onal Making Conference ( NCC). The 22 MPs sought relief from the High Court and high court passed a positive judgement that the MPs were justified to participat­e in the NCC because they were representi­ng their constituen­cies.

The major difference between then and now is that late Michael Sata was the legitimate PF president, though his action to sack 22 MPs was reasonably counter checked by the judicial process.

Miles Sampa is the NOT the legitimate PF president, he is just the pawn in the lawfare game plan of the UPND to decimate the PF. The overall target is to eliminate Edgar Chagwa Lungu from participat­ing in the 2026 Presidenti­al elections.

When Miles Sampa issued the ‘ eviction order’ of the nine PF

MPs, his claim to the PF leadership was already in court, but strangely the National Assembly Speaker, Ms Nelly Mutti ( SC) still went ahead and acted on an order from the leader whose legitimacy was before the court. Where is regard and respect for the due process here?

Under the MMD generally, under the Mwanawasa administra­tion in particular, there were marked boundaries between the three arms of government. That is why it was probable that the high court could counter check Sata’s excesses of exercising the PF Presidenti­al powers. Under the Hichilema administra­tion, the Executive arm of government is just too overbearin­g and has encroached over the boundaries of the Legislatur­e and Judiciary. Of course, this trend started in the PF reign. I hope, like many civic minded Zambians that the court will defend the public interest rather than seen to be promoting partisan UPND interests.

If PF and UkA alliance loses legally, they can mobilise the constituen­cies and have the same MPs recontest so that that win politicall­y. This is the beginning of UPND downfall.

Mike Chungu

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