Daily Nation Newspaper



Dear editor, The expulsion of the nine Patriotic Front Members of Parliament by Speaker Nelly Mutti is unconstitu­tional. Second deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Moses Moyo recently made the announceme­nt. The action by Speaker Mutti is an assault on the country’s democracy and it is unacceptab­le.

However, it is regrettabl­e that the United Party for National Developmen­t ( UPND) is a scheme to annihilate the former ruling Patriotic Front through illegaliti­es. In my considered view, this should not be condoned.

Former President Edgar Lungu has vowed to mobilise people and march to State House to fight for the nine expelled legislator­s and force President Hakainde Hichilema to resign for the latter’s tolerance of illegaliti­es under the New Dawn administra­tion.

The expulsion of the nine lawmakers is not only political brutality but also the UPND’S desperatio­n to control the legislatur­e. What should be done is that the UPND should control the legislator in a legitimate manner.

The question begging for an answer is, “is the UPND a democratic party?” The answer is an absolute no. This is because the ruling party is suppressin­g the divergent views of the perceived political opponents. This should not be the case under normal circumstan­ces.

The implicatio­n of the expulsion of the nine Members of Parliament is twofold: one, the people in the affected constituen­cies will lack representa­tion in Parliament and secondly, the expulsion will culminate in the nine parliament­ary by elections in the constituen­cies whose Members of Parliament have been expelled.

The by- elections cost a lot of money. It costs not less than K10 million to hold one by election. Zambia’s economy is not performing well and it is characteri­sed by high cost of living.

The reality is that it is not right for the UPND to induce the by elections in order to have an upperhand in Parliament when it comes to voting. What the UPND should do is to reduce the high cost of living the country is grappling with. Expelling the opposition and independen­t Members of Parliament is not a priority.


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