Daily Nation Newspaper

Future prediction for JUNE 19, 2024: Good day GEMINI

Your future prediction­s for June 2024, are here. Aries to Pisces, know what the Stars you have.



You are confused by the mixed signals from a colleague. Keep your thoughts to yourself. Try not to argue about trivial matters. A new avenue is opening up at work which will provide the base for much pleasure in the future. Children or loved ones may...


With your ruling planet not in a favourable position, communicat­ion could slow down. It is important to communicat­e with a loved one. Stand your ground but don’t lose your cool today and tomorrow. Start a health regime today, as you have been highly ...


You can meet new friends who will let you know just how valuable you are. You have been trying to please everyone, which has left you with little energy to please yourself. Contracts you sign this week help you make a better future financiall­y and pr...


You may have to make some changes. Be prepared to use your charm and intellect in order to get your way. You start to see with clarity who you can and can’t trust. You no longer feel scared of trusting your inner emotions.


You seem to be buoyant and rightly so. Your energy levels improve and you don’t feel as if you are swimming against the tide. The current problems will disappear soon. Exchange thoughts with your special one. Don’t take offence at comments made by co. workers


A partner or close friend might disapprove of your decisions today, especially decisions related to family or your home. Try to trust more and believe that everything happens for a reason. Your partner or close one feels that you might be overreachi­n...


A very unusual connection can be made today. A trip comes through, while finances still under check. Watch for problems with vehicles or communicat­ions equipment.


Your energy levels improve and you don’t feel as if you are swimming against the tide. You may have a heavy workload today, but you’ll be pleased with your success. Sign contracts and deals.


Finance and involvemen­ts with others are in the frame, bringing deep concerns. This stubborn streak you’re showing is not earning you any goodwill.


You must try to avoid serious discussion­s or disagreeme­nts with others. Your vim and vigour help you to finish a work project on time or to launch a new one. Money flow good. A letter could bring misleading informatio­n. Travel plans to be avoided.


There are new directions for you and you will be recognised for your abilities and talents. Share your winnings and praise with others and be grateful. Your relationsh­ips start to improve, so you should no longer feel anxious about being confronted b...


Show your leadership and avoid overly aggressive behaviour. You may find it necessary to confront a situation that has gotten out of hand. Secret intrigues could get you into trouble. Career front seems settled. You have not been totally honest with ...

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