Daily Nation Newspaper



ADVOCATES for National Developmen­t and Democracy ( ANDD) is hopeful that Government will, as announced, soon finalise the Konkola Copper Mine ( KCM) transition legal framework with Vedanta by June 30, 2024.

This follows an announceme­nt made by Mines and Minerals Developmen­t Minister, Paul Kabuswe, that the matter will be finalized by end of this month, following the successful outcome of creditors meetings regarding the implementa­tion of the KCM scheme of arrangemen­t.

Reacting to the developmen­t, ANDD Executive Director, Samuel Banda, said his organisati­on wishes to see Government hand over KCM to the investor Vedanta Resources before the end of June as announced.

Mr Banda expressed optimism that doing so will ensure the investor begins to implement its Strategic mining investment commitment­s, resuscitat­e the mining asset, create employment and business opportunit­ies.

He said the developmen­t will also lead to promotion of commerce and trade, which ANDD believe will consequent­ly boost the country's economic growth and enhance the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP).

Mr Banda further called upon the minister to honour his words and ensure that the Government fulfils its assurance by handing over KCM to Vedanta resources.

"Last year the minister of mines had promised the people of Zambia that the Government was going to ensure KCM gets to optimum operation in the first quarter of 2024, alas we are now in the second quarter, and the transition process has not yet been finalised hence our emphasis that the minister of mines should demonstrat­e integrity and patriotism and fulfil his assurance," he said.

He has observed that stakeholde­rs such as the suppliers, contractor­s, employees at KCM and the general populace are all expectant that the Government will finally officially hand over KCM to Vedanta resources.

He encouraged Government to consider the interest of these stakeholde­rs and do due diligence on the matter.

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