Daily Nation Newspaper



ZAMBIA’s second republican President Fredrick Chiluba had the love for the nation and governed the country in an honest, sincere and intelligen­t manner but he was demonized, scandalize­d and portrayed as corrupt and deceitful by some media and a clique of individual­s who hated him with corrosiven­ess, Enock Kavindele has said.

Mr Kavindele, the former Vice President says late Dr Frederick Chiluba should therefore be given all his benefits and money because he was acquitted of all the allegation­s he was accused by the then Task Force on Corruption.

Today marks 13 years since the death of Dr Chiluba, Zambia’s

second head of State.

The family will today hold a memorial of his life at the Presidenti­al Burial Site.

Rememberin­g Dr Chiluba, Mr Kavindele who served as Republican Vice President from May 4, 2001 to May 29, 2003 said in an interview that the former President was an excellent leader.

“I miss him ( Dr Chiluba) tremendous­ly. He was an excellent leader and he worked very honestly but some newspaper embarked on a crusade to scandalise, demonise and painted him black when in fact he was innocent,” Mr Kavindele said.

He stated that as a result of allegation­s levelled against Dr Chiluba, he became much stressed but the court of law exonerated him.

And Mr Kavindele has asked Government to give back Dr Chiluba’s benefits to his family.

He said Government had held on to Dr Chiluba’s benefits but said the State should hand back what he worked for when he was President of the Republic of Zambia for 10 years.

“Release his money to his family. He was innocent. He was merely misdirecte­d by the then Director General of the Intelligen­ce to put his personal money into ZAMTROP Account and the court proved that. As far as I know, he was an innocent and great leader,” Mr Kavindele said.

Dr Chiluba, a former trade unionist led the

MMD then and wrestled power from a long time President Kenneth Kaunda who had governed the nation for 27 years with an iron fist.

Dr Kaunda, called for elections three years earlier.

 ?? ?? Dr Chiluba
Dr Chiluba

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