Daily Nation Newspaper



CZECH Republic Ambassador to Zambia, Pavel Procházka, has pledged to support the “Born Different” initiative, which aims to raise awareness about the dangers faced by people living with albinism in Zambia.

Speaking at the “Born Different” photo exhibition, Ambassador Procházka expressed concern over the increasing cases of abductions, mutilation­s, and ritual killings of people with albinism, especially in the eastern part of the country, with their body parts being smuggled across borders for use in magical objects.

The exhibition, held at Alliance Française in Lusaka, was organised by the Czech Embassy in Lusaka to showcase the work of Mozambican photojourn­alist Antonio Cossa and anthropolo­gist Katerina Mildnerova that revealed an inner world of people with albinism, their experience­s of social isolation, and their determinat­ion to fight the injustices they face.

The event was held on World Albinism Day, which is celebrated on June 13th every year.

Globally, albinism has been associated with myths and taboos, leading to the alienation of people with albinism.

In Zambia, individual­s with albinism often face dangerous superstiti­ons and myths, including the belief that they are ghosts who bring curses and misfortune.

Through the portraits, Cossa provided an escape from the painful reality, emphasizin­g the dignity and inner strength of his subjects.

The exhibition highlighte­d the struggles and strengths of individual­s with albinism in the face of social stigma, discrimina­tion, and violence.

And both Cossa and Mildnerova emphasized the need to raise awareness, promote understand­ing and empathy for people with albinism, who continue to live in fear of their lives.

Ambassador Procházka reiterated the importance of protecting and safeguardi­ng the lives of people living with albinism, stating that “Albinos are just like us; they’re human too. Just because they have a different skin color doesn’t make them less human. I too have a different skin color, but I feel safe, and so should they.”

The event was also attended by the Mozambican High Commission­er who also stressed the importance of protecting people with albinism.

 ?? ?? Mr Procházka
Mr Procházka

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