Daily Nation Newspaper



THE Football Associatio­n of Zambia ( FAZ) says it is saddened by the two losses that the Chipolopol­o suffered in Group E of the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifiers.

FAZ president Andrew Kamanga said the Chipolopol­o could have done better in the two games where they recorded consecutiv­e defeats to Group E rivals Morocco and Tanzania.

Despite Zambia’s chances to qualify for the 2026 World Cup which will be held in the U. S. A, Canada and Mexico dimming following consecutiv­e defeats to Morocco and Tanzania, Kamanga believes the World Cup qualifying race is not over yet.

The FAZ Chief said the Chipolopol­o will have to fight for every point in the remaining fixtures.

“We expect the technical bench to review the two matches and ensure that we improve in the upcoming fixtures,” Kamanga said.

The FAZ Chief said his associatio­n has set its eyes on the AFCON qualifiers that kick off in a few months with the draw set for July 4.

“We have our eyes set on another AFCON appearance to sustain our presence on the continenta­l stage,” Kamanga said.

Meanwhile, Kamanga said FAZ will make sure that the Under17 girls are well prepared for the 2024 Under- 17 World Cup by affording the Copper Princesses quality preparatio­ns that include an internatio­nal camp and friendly matches.

Kamanga said the associatio­n has set standards which it intends to sustain for the long haul. Kamanga said FAZ has laid out a solid grassroots program that has since started bearing fruits with the Copper Princesses having qualified for the World Cup which will run from October 16th to November 3rd in the Dominican Republic.

“Our under- 17 made us proud by qualifying to the Dominican Republic 2024 FIFA World Cup,” Kamanga said. “This adds to our already impressive scorecard that saw the Copper Queens qualify for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris while the Chipolopol­o, under- 17 and under- 20 boys both qualified for their respective Africa Cup of Nations competitio­ns.”

Kamanga said FAZ has made it a habit in the men’s category to groom boys from under- 15 level by exposing them to internatio­nal tournament­s which aims to help them be ready for future national assignment­s.

On the historical visit of the FIFA boss who during his two days visit in Zambia launched the newly constructe­d Accommodat­ion Centre and announced the 10 million United States Dollars Technical Centre project which will be housed in Chongwe Kamanga said; “The new Technical Centre will completely change the face of the Zambian game. It was also good to see the FIFA president

Kamanga Also hailed the FIFA Boss for paying his respects to the Gabon Disaster Heroes and interactin­g with the families of the victims.

CHIPANGALI Constituen­cy Member of Parliament, Andrew Lubusha has lavished praise on Chipolopol­o striker Fashion Sakala for hosting a successful inaugural Fashion Sakala Football Tournament in Eastern Province.

Lubusha commended Sakala’s selflessne­ss and dedication to community developmen­t, stating that; “Attending the FH10 finals at the K700,000 rich Fashion Sakala football tournament was truly a proud moment.”

“Fashion’s selflessne­ss and patriotism serves as a shining example for us all. His commitment to sharing his success with his community is a testament to his character and the spirit of Ubuntu,” Lubusha said.

Fashion Sakala, the talented forward who plays for Al- Fayha

in the Saudi Pro League, brought together over 50 teams from across the Eastern Part of Zambia for a highly competitiv­e and entertaini­ng tournament which was eventually won by Young Nkwazi Chipata.

Lubusha extended his congratula­tions to all participan­ts, organizers, and stakeholde­rs who contribute­d to making the tournament a success.

“Well done to Sakala, FAZ, and all participan­ts on a superbly organized event. May this tournament inspire more initiative­s that foster unity, love, and selflessne­ss in our communitie­s,” the Chipangali Law maker said.

The Fashion Sakala Football Tournament was a resounding success, showcasing the impressive talent and passion of young footballer­s in Eastern Province.

Lubusha said Fashion Sakala’s commitment to giving back to his community has made a significan­t impact, inspiring and empowering future generation­s.

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