Daily Nation Newspaper

Lifeline calls for a more inclusive education policy


HOME Affairs and Internal Security Minister, Jack Mwiimbu says Government desires to ensure that Zambia is food secure, hence the plan to establish more milling plants in all the Provincial centres.

Mr Mwiimbu said this is meant to help stabilise the price of the nation’s staple food.

He said this in a speech read for him by Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister, Chipoka Mulenga when World Vision Zambia handed over Amapalo milling plant to the Zambia Correction­al Services ( ZCS) in Mpika District in Muchinga Province.

“The frantic efforts that the Government is making are a clear testimony and demonstrat­ion of its resolve to address and mitigate the O exorbitant r g a n i s mealie a i o n meal ’ s prices in the country,” Mr Programmes Officer,

Mwiimbu said.

Clayford Musute, said this

He said taking over of year’s Amapalo Internatio­nal milling plant Day of by an the African ZCS will Child serve has as a come model at and the benefit right the time local people when Government through access has to embraced affordable children mealie by meal, introducin­g Job creation, free education. business value chain enhancemen­t The day and is being skills celebrated transfer in Mpika under district. the themed “Education He stated for that all children Government’s in African- collaborat­ion Time is Now.” with

World Mr Musute Vision said Zambia education on Amapalo must not project be segregated is evidence but of the inclusive shared with commitment children who to community are disabled developmen­t being given and a chance economic as well. empowermen­t. “I must commend the Government “The takeover because of this milling our district plant is doing will very harness well the in

LIFELINE Childline Zambia has called on more inclusiven­ess in the education sector for the benefit of the children.

tpotential of agricultur­e and agribusine­ss, promoting a brighter future for the residents of Mpika and Muchinga Province at large,” he said.

Mr Mwiimbu is positive that the ZCS will leverage its existing structures and regulation­s to ensure transparen­cy and compliance in utilising the 15 tonnes capacity plant.

The Minister further extended gratitude to World Vision Zambia for their partnershi­p and further urged the ZCS to guard the facility jealously.

The 15- ton milling plant was procured and installed at a cost of K1,855,375.

Speaking when she handed terms over of free the education, milling plant, but it World must also Vision look Zambia at the warfare Acting of National the person Director, with Ngosa disabiliti­es,” Sakala he said said. the Amapalo milling Mr plant Musute was funded observed under that schools Australian still face aid through a lot of World Vision Australia. challenges, including lack of

“This cost includes the adequate classrooms, as this

constructi­on of a milling is plant, when most procuremen­t of them are of being the plant upgraded equipment, from electrific­ation grass thatched and to provision standard of classrooms a full mechanised in the district. water system,” she He said. told Zambia News and She Informatio­n said that an Services additional ( ZANIS) K1.4 that million due to free was education, also spent for the the demand storage is high shed among giving children a total investment who want to of be K3,255,375. educated.

Ms Mr Musute Sakala also further said the appealed challenge to at the hand young is people lack of and adequate Mpika residents infrastruc­ture to take that advantage supports of persons the facility with by disabiliti­es, producing a more situation maize that to must supply be the considered, plant. especially Speaking when earlier, constructi­ng ZCS Deputy schools. Commission­er- General,

Bwalya Kuyomba said the milling plant will go a long way in servicing the entire province and the surroundin­g region.

Gen Kuyomba further thanked World Vision for partnering with the ZCS to fulfil the aspiration­s of the service, adding that the plant will be a crucial source of cheaper mealie meal especially now that the country is faced with drought.

The ZCS Deputy Commission­er General further assured the Minister and World Vision Zambia that the facility will be guarded jealously as it will contribute to the food basket of the country.

Amapalo And milling 15- plant year- old will Chadiza be the second Day milling Secondary plant in Mpika district, in addition School to the existing Pupil, milling Jemimah plant Chiponya, under the is Zambia optimistic National that the Service organisati­on ( ZNS). - will help many children seek solutions to the challenges they are currently facing.

Ms Banda pointed out some difficulti­es that hinder girls’ education such as early marriages, teen pregnancie­s and cattle herding.

Meanwhile, District Child Protection Committee Chairperso­n, Juliet Banda noted that all children need to be protected without leaving the boy child behind.



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