Daily Nation Newspaper



LACTALIS Zambia Limited, owner of the brand Parmalat has announced plans to start a waste management processing project to recycle tetra Pak material used in packaging milk and other liquids in a bid to contribute to effective sanitation and waste management.

The company is aiming to partner with the municipali­ty, local businesses and organizati­ons to collect and process waste tetra Pak material into plastic and aluminum for manufactur­ing new packages.

According to Paolo Lombardi, General Manager for Southern Africa at Parmalat Limited, the tetra Pak carton is a complex, three- layer material that requires specialize­d processing.

“We don’t operate processing plants alone, but we partner with Tetra Pak, which has two recycling plants in Africa. We’re seeking partnershi­ps with Zambian companies that use tetra Pak to collect waste for recycling,”

Lombardi explained.

Mr Lombardi noted that the project’s timeline and budget will be determined after extensive consultati­ons with all stakeholde­rs.

He said the recycled aluminum could be reworked into new products, such as tiles or school desks.

Mr Lombardi emphasized that the project’s primary goal is environmen­tal sustainabi­lity, not economic gain.

“We want to ensure our packages have a second life after consumptio­n. We are increasing­ly aware of the impact litter has on the environmen­t,” he said.

While the project is still in its initial stages, Lactalis Zambia, owner of the brand Parmalat, is engaging with the Lusaka City Council and other key stakeholde­rs, including the Lusaka Integrated Solid Waste Management Company ( LISWMC), to move the project forward. The company is calling on other businesses to join the initiative and provide technical expertise in sanitation.

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