Daily Nation Newspaper



STAKEHOLDE­RS have called on Government to immediatel­y hand over Konkola Copper Mines ( KCM) to Vedanta Resources after a successful creditors’ scheme of arrangemen­t meeting.

The Advocates for National Developmen­t and Democracy ( ANDD) Executive Director, Mr Samuel Banda said Zambians cannot wait to see a fully functional mining firm after exhausting all the modalities for Vedanta Resources to take over the operations of the mine.

Mr Banda said the people of the Copperbelt Province and the nation at large, are expecting that Government will officially fully hand over KCM to Vedanta Resources before the end of the month.

He said following the overwhelmi­ng support from KCM creditors to support the scheme of arrangemen­t which was the last part of the transition process, the people want to see KCM running effectivel­y and efficientl­y.

And Pastor Charles Chileshya of Christ my Life Ministries said after a successful creditors’ meetings, Vedanta Resources should be handed over the mine.

Pastor Chileshya said after agreeing with the scheme of arrangemen­t, the mining asset should now be handed over for the mine to be fully operationa­l.

He said there was no need to wait for too long because most of the people in the province need jobs to sustain their lives.

Meanwhile, Zambians for Unity, Peace and Developmen­t president Ronnie Jere has urged the government to quickly hand over the so that the investor can actualise the investment pledges. Mr Jere said the nation needed the full services of the asset as Zambia continues on its economic recovery trajectory.

He said due to economic hardship in the country, it was prudent that the mine becomes viable for it to contribute to economic growth of the country.

 ?? ?? Mr Banda
Mr Banda

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