Daily Nation Newspaper



FORMER Special Assistant to President Edgar Lungu for Politics, Chris Zumani Zimba has steadfastl­y stood his ground, refusing to retract or apologise for alleged defamatory statements made against Dr. Nevers Mumba.

Dr. Zimba's legal representa­tives, Kang’ombe and Associates, issued a stern response to Dr. Mumba's demand for retraction and apology, asserting that their client maintains his innocence and sees no reason to apologise.

In the strongly worded letter addressed to Dr. Mumba's legal team, Kang’ombe and Associates emphasised that Dr. Zimba, as a holder of a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) in political science, deserves to be addressed with the appropriat­e title.

“Your letter dated 9th instant has been passed onto us with instructio­ns to render a response. Preliminar­ily, we note that you erroneousl­y address our Client as ‘Mr’ For avoidance of doubt, he is officially addressed as Dr. Chris Zumani Zimba. The same is by virtue of being a deserved holder of a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) in the celebrated discipline of political science,” they said. They firmly rejected any claims of defamation, stating that Dr. Mumba has no reputation to protect regarding the matters at hand.

The response concluded with a bold declaratio­n that if Dr. Mumba insists on pursuing legal action, Dr. Zimba is prepared to meet him in court.

“If your client’s claim regarding purported defamation persists, we have instructio­ns to receive court process as our client firmly believes that your client has no reputation whatsoever to protect in so far as the issues in casu are concerned.”

“We shall meet in Court,” they said.

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