Daily Nation Newspaper



THE Indian government has said this year marks a milestone in its bilateral relationsh­ip with Zambia, which has clocked 60 years and has pledged continued support to any programmes put in place by government as the two countries celebrate their monumental relationsh­ip.

Ministry of External Affairs Joint Secretary Puneet Kundal said celebratin­g 60 years of mutual and bilateral relations between the two countries will be crowned by Dr. Kenneth Kaunda’s 100 years’ centenary.

He was speaking when Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n Permanent Secretary Administra­tion, Hope Situmbeko paid a courtesy call on him in New Delhi,

Mr. Kundal said India is proud of the continued growth of its relationsh­ip with Zambia and that the two countries would continue to explore new avenues for cooperatio­n by taking advantage of existing opportunit­ies.

He noted the high-level exchange visits with the latest being that of Vice-President Mutale Nalumango in 2022 and Nelly Mutti, Speaker of the National Assembly in 2023.

According to a statement issued by Bennie Mundando, the First Secretary (Press and Tourism) at the Zambia High Commission in New Delhi, India Mr Kundal stated that the Indian government was looking forward to reciprocal high-level visits to Zambia accompanie­d by a group of investors from India.

He proposed that the Foreign Office Consultati­ons be held in Lusaka to prepare for the proposed Joint Permanent Commission tentativel­y scheduled for November, 2024, as it has been long overdue.

And Ms. Situmbeko thanked India for using its tenure as President of the G20 to speak for the Global South which includes Zambia, as well as the historical admission of the African Union as part of the G20.

She expressed gratitude to the Government and people of India for the continued invaluable assistance rendered to Zambia’s developmen­t agenda over the years in various fields particular­ly health, education, infrastruc­ture developmen­t and defence.

She has also called for the finalisati­on of various pending Memoranda of Understand­ing between the two countries.

Ms. Situmbeko said constructi­on of the new chancery for the Zambia High Commission in New Delhi would commence in the next two months, an indication that Zambia was in India to stay in view of the sound bilateral relations and strategic partnershi­p existing between the two countries.

“The African Union will be hosting the India-Africa Summit this year and the Zambian Government looks forward to this forum which aims to further strengthen relations between India and Africa, and build on the gains made with the inclusion of the African Union as a permanent member of the G20.” Ms. Situmbeko said.

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