Daily Nation Newspaper

UNZA don backs ECL

…as the Southern African Centre for the Constructi­ve Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) says the former president Edgar Lungu would be arrested under the Public Order Act (POA) which needs repealing.


A POLITICAL scientist at the University of Zambia (UNZA), Alex Ngoma said former President Edgar Lungu was within his rights to take a walk in the Central Business District of Lusaka (CBD).

Dr. Ngoma said there was no law in Zambia that confines a former president to his home, he has the right to move at any time.

He said just like celebritie­s, Mr. Lungu being a public figure attracts attention which was not his fault and he did not stop to address anyone meaning his walk does not qualify to a public gathering.

Meanwhile, Southern African Centre for the Constructi­ve Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) acting Executive Director, Arthur Muyunda said the organisati­on was disappoint­ed that Government had delayed the enactment the Public Gathering Bill into law.

He said UPND then in opposition where against the Public Order Act (POA) and promised to change that law as soon as they come into office but close to three years after taking over power the road map to having the Public Gatherings Bill had died.

Mr Muyunda said under the POA for Mr Lungu would have been arrested but unfortunat­ely it was the same law that the police were abusing to blocking the opposition from having rallies.

He said government needs to quickly enact the Public Gatherings Bill into law failure to which would lead to more people abrogating the law like the former president.

Mr Muyunda said the police has not been giving the position space to be selling their message to the people for the years which was unacceptab­le in a democracy.

He also said there was need for mutual respect between the ruling and the opposition for the country to maintain its peace.

 ?? ?? Dr Ngoma
Dr Ngoma

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