Daily Nation Newspaper



THE Zambia Police Service will not entertain any wrong doings by any of its officers, those involved in illegaliti­es will be dealt with, Mr Danny Mwale, the deputy public relations officer has said.

Mr Mwale said in an interview yesterday that the police have taken note complaints by motorists against traffic officers who have been accused of hiding behind trees and in some circumstan­ces in unfinished buildings to enforce the law on the road.

“There is a lot that has been talked about concerning our traffic section and now it has gone to an extent where someone is saying our police officers hide. So, we want to set a date with journalist­s and the Inspector General of Police will be notified, probably next week, a few selected journalist­s will accompany us and visit the points where they think our officers hide,” Mr Mwale said.

He said it will be the journalist­s who will lead the police officers where those from the traffic section hide.

He said if it was true that some police officers engage in such unprofessi­onal conduct, the Inspector General of Police, Mr Graphael Musamba will take action.

Mr Mwale said the command will report to Mr Musamba of their findings and since the operation will be in public domain, the police will ensure that the public is informed of the outcome. “We will make sure the public is aware of the actions we will take against erring police officers. We will not hide under the carpet the action we take against cops breaking the law,” he said.

“Any wrong doing, we are going to notice will be highlighte­d to the members of the public. It is a perception. What is right to us may be condemned by the public. If I see a fellow police officer standing under a tree, to me, it is normal but to the public, they call it hiding. So, we want to go and see the kind of hiding these officers are doing,” Mr Mwale said. He said “speed trap,” going by its name is a “trap.”

“How do you define a ‘trap?’ Even rats in our homes, we trap them because they hide. So even a speed trap, is a trap. You have to hide,” he said.

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