Daily Nation Newspaper



THE impact of our current problems as a nation squarely lies on Mr Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND government’s inability to take advice, Socialist Party president Fred M’membe has said.

“They have not been listening to advice from various stakeholde­rs in this country. We are faced with leaders who think they know it all and they have convinced themselves that they are the best in everything, and the best leadership this country has ever seen.

They are so egotistica­l and arrogant. They don’t listen to the church, civil society, political parties, traditiona­l and business leaders, and the ordinary Zambians,” Dr M’membe said.

The opposition leader said a culminatio­n of all this has resulted in our present hardship, landed the people in serious problems, and as long as they do not listen to advice, the problems will get to worse.

“We advised them on maize, fuel, mining, agricultur­e, corruption, AFRICOM and many other issues. And their response to our progressiv­e counsel was nothing but sheer arrogance and insolence.

We went further and proposed a National Indaba to deal with these problems but to this day, Mr Hichilema has never responded,” he said.

Dr M’membe said it is clear that the spirit of corruption is what is driving their unwillingn­ess to listen to others.

He said it is the ill-gotten or reckless amassing of wealth that is causing them to be over confident and not listen to the intellectu­al thinkers of the country, the church leaders, political party leaders, business and traditiona­l leaders, the youth, women and many other stakeholde­rs.

He said corruption and theft has emboldened them and made them think they are small gods deserving nothing but praise and glory from the citizens.

 ?? ?? Dr Fred M’membe
President Hakande Hichilema
Dr Fred M’membe President Hakande Hichilema

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