Daily Nation Newspaper



AN important consensus has been reached by President Xi Jinping and President Hakainde Hichilema over the revitalisa­tion of TAZARA Railway, Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Du Xiaohui has said.

Mr Xiaohui said China, Zambia and Tanzania are currently in active discussion­s on the revitalisa­tion based on market principle.

He said once revitalise­d, the TAZARA railway will bolster the developmen­t vision of the Zambian Government, by boosting the growth of copper mining and the agricultur­al sector.

“NDRC and the Ministry of Finance and National Planning could consider including the revitalisa­tion of the TAZARA railway in the belt and road cooperatio­n plan between China and Zambia.

It will be an opportunit­y to speed up the formulatio­n process of such a plan and contribute to more fruitful outcomes of the FOCAC meeting in Beijing,” Mr Xiaohui said.

And Mr Xiaohui said this will also develop greater synergy between the two countries developmen­t strategies, and improve macroecono­mic governance.

“As members of the Global South, there is huge potential for China and Zambia to cooperate on governance. China is ready to assist Zambia in fully implementi­ng its Eighth National Developmen­t Plan and achieving economic transforma­tion, as a measure to protect the common interests of the developing world.

China is also keen on communicat­ing and coordinati­ng with Zambia closely on key issues such as the implementa­tion of the United Nations 2030 Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Agenda, and stands ready to open our market wider to Zambia. We wish to strengthen the exchanges of experience on economic governance, and plan to arrange for more than 30 Zambian senior officials to participat­e in the Seminar on Governance Capacity Building and Macroecono­mic Planning in China,” Mr Xiaohui said.

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