Daily Nation Newspaper

ECZ re-advertises tender for printing of ballots


THE Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has reissued the tender for printing and delivering of ballot papers.

“The Electoral Commission of Zambia wishes to notify stakeholde­rs and public that the Commission yesterday (Monday) May 6, 2024, reissued the tender for the printing and delivery of various electoral materials.

These materials include ballot papers, ballot paper posters, blind voter templates, announceme­nt forms, voter’s list and register of voters,” ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Brown Kasaro said.

Mr Kasaro said this tender is for a three-year contract to carter for the by-elections and the 2026 general elections.

He said the reissuance follows the cancellati­on of the aforementi­oned tender in March, 2024 due to significan­t changes in the bidding conditions and conditions of contract contained in the issued solicitati­on document.

“This tender is open to all eligible bidders, both local and internatio­nal, and will be administer­ed following the rules under open internatio­nal competitiv­e bidding procedures as provided for in the Zambia Public Procuremen­t Act No.8 of 2020and Public Procuremen­t Regulation­s, 2022,” he said.

And Citizens First president Harry Kalaba said stakeholde­rs in the electoral process, expects ECZ to ensure there is transparen­cy in all the tendering processes and that only capable bidders are awarded the contract to print ballot papers and other electoral materials.

He said the UPND government is known to award contracts to questionab­le companies who in most cases do not meet the criteria.

“We reiterate that elections play a crucial part in the democratic dispensati­on of the country and we urge the ECZ to be cautious in the manner they handle elections to avoid triggering emotions among the citizens.

We have seen how the ECZ has been used to bar certain political parties from participat­ing in by-elections by rejecting candidates and we hope this questionab­le conduct will not be extended into the 2026 General Elections,” he said.

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