Daily Nation Newspaper

The unspeakabl­e life in Zambia


This is because those who are supposed to offer solutions to get us out of the dog-eat-dog scenario depend on lies because it has completely run out of energy. Prices of essential commoditie­s are daily rising to frightenin­g levels while our UPND leaders are full of codswallop and behave like village rooks. Apart from its 2021 failed campaign promises, UPND today has all the making of a gothic ghost tale told around the fire at night.

Things are simply bad, save for aspersions from the ruling party which has managed to kill democracy and the rule of law by employing the Police to silence all those with divergent opinions. I therefore think the UPND regime is probably the worst ever since that of UNIP as it has become clear it did not have any action plan to deliver to people’s expectatio­ns.

At every corner today, one is met with a horrible smell of tribalism, nepotism and regionalis­m as means of running our great country.

Yes, everywhere one goes, it is the same all hat and no cattle display by our UPND leadership.

Indeed, very few families can today afford three square meals a day due to sheer poor leadership of UPND that decided to sell all maize - our staple food - in reserves because it was left by its No.1 foe, PF.

Now we can all see that our governing UPND is just a whole bunch of abecedaria­ns who have completely no idea of how to run a country. Imagine, now we are chasing after our own maize which we earlier foolishly sold to our neighbours without thinking of tomorrow.

With our economy overheatin­g, together with messy handling of our mines, the biggest players in our economy, the future of Zambia is hard to predict but suffice to state that Zambians are in for a rough ride. The buck truly stops at our men in grey suits best known only for selling wolf tickets.

I will eat my hat if Zambians will ever again wear those smiles of yesteryear under the leadership of UPND which can be best described as cold fish. Truly good people suffer the most.

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