Daily Nation Newspaper



JOHANNESBU­RG - South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) has lost a legal bid to stop a new party from using the name and logo of its former armed wing.

The governing ANC had argued that uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK), headed by ex-President Jacob Zuma, had breached trademark law.

But the Durban High Court disagreed, allowing the use of the name, which translates as Spear of the Nation.

It is a significan­t victory for MK ahead of the May 29 general election. Zuma’s supporters cheered and chanted in court after the judgement was delivered.

Last month, the ANC suffered another legal blow in its attempt to stop MK from running in the election, saying it had not met the official registrati­on criteria.

The MK name and logo holds huge political symbolism because of the now-defunct armed wing’s role in fighting for the end of white-minority rule in South Africa.

The new MK party may have

no chance of winning the election, but it likely to bruise the ANC, which, for the first time since the end of apartheid in 1994, could lose its outright majority in parliament.

Zuma, a former stalwart of the ANC who once served in its armed wing, was South Africa’s president for nine years from 2009.

He was forced from power and replaced by current President Cyril Ramaphosa in part over corruption allegation­s, which Zuma denies.

Visvin Reddy - the provincial

leader of MK in KwaZulu-Natal, Zuma’s home province where he enjoys considerab­le support support - said it was the best possible news for the party that was launched in December.

He told the TV channel Newsroom Afrika from outside the courtroom in Durban that the ANC’s legal challenges to the party’s existence showed it was running scared.

The ANC has not yet commented.

Earlier this month, an electoral court overturned an electoral commission ban on the 82-year-old former president’s candidacy for a parliament­ary seat.

The constituti­on bars people from holding public office if convicted of a crime and sentenced to more than 12 months in prison.

Zuma had been sentenced to 15 months in jail in 2021 for failing to testify in a corruption

Thursday investigat­ion, though he only April 18, 2023 served three months on health grounds and was given a remission of sentence by President Ramaphosa.

The electoral court has not yet given a reason for its ruling, but Zuma’s lawyers argued that the remission meant that his sentence had been “cancelled.”

The electoral commission has now lodged an urgent appeal with the highest court, the Constituti­onal Court, in a bid to overturn the electoral court’s verdict.

In another court case, the ANC failed in a bid to get the electoral commission to deregister MK as a political party contesting the election. –

 ?? ?? Jacob Zuma.
Jacob Zuma.

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