Daily Nation Newspaper

Munir found with case to answer in sedition charge


THE Lusaka Magistrate Court has found Lumezi Member of Parliament, Munir Zulu with a case to answer in a matter he allegedly uttered seditious words contrary to the laws of Zambia.

It is alleged that Zulu said President Hakainde Hichilema was going to dissolve parliament on Friday, September 8, 2023 after addressing parliament, and that he was going to call for early elections

When the matter came up for continuati­on of trial yesterday, Lusaka Resident Magistrate, Trevor Kasanda found Zulu with a case to answer after a State witness testified in the matter.

Mr. Kasanda in his ruling said the State has made a prima facie case to warrant the accused to be put on his defence.

Zulu is charged with one count of Seditious Practices contrary to Section 57 (1) (b) as read with section 60 (1) (e) of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia, a charge he denied.

It is alleged that Zulu, on September 6, 2023, in Lusaka uttered seditious words on social media, to which he claimed to have had reliable informatio­n that, “the President was going to dissolve parliament on Friday, September 8, 2023 after addressing parliament, and that he was going to call for early elections.

He also incited Zambians to prepare for campaigns after the President dissolves parliament.” Words intended to incite violence or any offence prejudicia­l to public order or in disturbanc­e of the public peace.

However, before the court made i’s ruling, an arresting officer, Mr. Lukundo Siame from Zambia Police headquarte­rs narrated how he planned an arrest with the Speaker of the National Assembly, Ms. Nelly Mutti, to arrest Zulu at parliament building.

Mr. Lukundo said he followed Zulu while at parliament and informed Ms. Mutti about his arrest.

He said in cross examinatio­n that it was Members of Parliament who stopped him from arresting Zulu but later after a session was over, he reported to Ms. Mutti of what had transpired which led to Zulu’s arrest.

Mr. Siame said he never summoned Zulu but he was summoned through the Speaker.

“There was no call out issued to Zulu,” the lawyer asked.

“Yes, there was no call out concerning on this issue,” Mr Siame responded.

When further asked by Zulu’s lawyer Mr. McQueen Zaza if dissolutio­n of parliament is seditious practice, he said no.

The prosecutio­n then informed the court that they had closed their case.

 ?? ?? Mr Zulu
Mr Zulu

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