Daily Nation Newspaper

Lundazi receives market shelter, ablution block


Lundazi Town Council, under capital component of the local government equalizati­on fund has handed over a market shelter and ablution block valued at K530, 000 to the Chimutyulu community.

Speaking when she commission­ed the market shelter and ablution block, Lundazi District Commission­er, Marjory Banda commended the Lundazi Town Council for actualisin­g the presidenti­al directive that stated that all markets should have water-borne facilities.

Mrs. Banda has since urged all government department­s to consider scaling up efforts towards service delivery to the people of Lundazi.

She has since appealed to the council to continue providing various services to the people and further urged the Chimutyulu community to guard against vandalism of the newly built market facility.

And Lundazi Town Council Chairperso­n Golden Tembo thanked government for the increased CDF of K30.6 million in the year 2024.

Mr Tembo further thanked Indo Zambia and Atlasmara banks for donating 30 waste bins combined, to the Lundazi community to ensure a clean and healthy environmen­t.

The councilor also echoed the need to protect the property against vandalism adding that it cost government a lot of money to put up such infrastruc­ture.

And in a vote of thanks, Maona Godfrey said the Chimutyulu community was grateful to the government for considerin­g their plight through constructi­on of the market shelter and ablution block.

He has since appealed to council police to ensure that there was no street vending in Chimutyulu compound.

The Chimutyulu market shelter and ablution has running water and is electrifie­d to allow for extended trading hours.


 ?? ?? Mrs Banda.
Mrs Banda.

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