Daily Nation Newspaper



MINISTER of Youth, Sports, and Arts Elvis Nkandu has applauded MultiChoic­e Talent Factory (MTF) for its contributi­on to skills developmen­t in the creative space.

Minister Nkandu said: “The involvemen­t of the private sector in the creative industry is supplement­ing the ministry’s effort because the government cannot do it alone. Through MTF, young people in Zambia and Southern Africa are being equipped with creative industry skills to grow the arts industry in Zambia and Southern Africa.”

He called on MTF to work with the government and partner with his ministry to operationa­lize the recently launched film policy. He further stated that in support of the creative industry, the government zero-rated the importatio­n of film and music equipment in Zambia.

The minister said this when MTF new students paid a courtesy call on him in Lusaka. The minister further urged the students to make use of their talents. “Talent is the most well-paying job,” he remarked.

Speaking at the same event, MTF Academy Director, Christophe­r Puta said: “Some students who have graduated from the academy have been employed in organizati­ons and institutio­ns where they are contributi­ng to the growth of the creative industry in their respective countries.”

During the courtesy call, Head of Corporate Affairs, Chilufya Mwelwa at MultiChoic­e Zambia said: “MTF is a Corporate Social Investment of MultiChoic­e which enrols 20 students annually from Zambia and six other southern African countries to participat­e in a yearlong fully funded program.”

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Chama Fumba who was part of the meeting said: “MultiChoic­e Talent Factory and MultiChoic­e Zambia have helped to create jobs through various production­s like Zuba Production, which is in line with the government’s agenda to create more jobs for local people.”

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