Daily Nation Newspaper

Pray for lying leaders, dustrial Area, Opposite A.P.G Milling, LE Nsoneka& BOOSTERurg­es Church



ISAATC MRweUndelS­a NTsonEe- Dthing toRfulfiEl­l, bLut ka has petitioned the instead of adding more church and its leaders to lies, come back to the people come together and pray and apologize for lying for the country’s leadership and ask for more time,” he who have cultivated said. and nurtured the habit And Mr. Nsoneka has of lying to citizens as a reiterated the need for all means of governance. churches to combine forces

Mr Nsoneka, the Katuba and pray hard for things Isumpuke Foundation to change in the country. chairperso­n says he is Mr Nsoneka indicated appalled unbearably high that things had become cost of living in the country worse in the country as and yet those in leadership hunger was becoming had continued telling acute and unbearable for lies that things would be citizens. better, cheaper and easier. “There is untold hunger

Speaking in Katuba on in the country, this is one Sunday when he attended of the worst hunger situations 77 744 325 . 0976 023 126 Easter Sunday Mass at St because unlike the Bakita Catholic Church in others before it, this one Katuba Ward Mr. Nsoneka is coming with a bonus said he was appalled by of a lying leadership” Mr the high unbearably high Nsoneka said. cost of lying currently Mr Nsoneka said that confrontin­g the people of the current economic situation Zambia. should be used as an

“Our church elders and opportunit­y for all Zambians pastors, please pray for to embrace each other our national leaders. This in truth not lies.

2018 is the job you must take He said the people of seriously because there is Katuba and Zambia are at a new tendency of lying an even greater risk of extinction unnecessar­ily in the country. from Hunger and This tendency must the high cost living when come to an end if we are to those in top leadership develop this our country. prioritize lies over confrontin­g These leaders we have today the true nature say one thing and the of the country’s distressfu­l

CASTLE opposite thing happens,” situation.

Mr Nsoneka said. The moment those in

“For this country to develop, Government keep on lying we need sincere and unceremoni­ously leaders who will speak the pushing those who call truth to their own people. them out for telling lies At times being a human the worse the situation being, you can say one gets,” he said.

 ?? ?? ECURE
FILE PHOTO : “There is untold hunger in the country, this is one of the worst hunger situations because unlike the others before it, this one is coming with a bonus of a lying leadership” Mr Nsoneka said.
ECURE FILE PHOTO : “There is untold hunger in the country, this is one of the worst hunger situations because unlike the others before it, this one is coming with a bonus of a lying leadership” Mr Nsoneka said.

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