Daily Nation Newspaper



THE recent Human Rights Watch Report on Zambia paints a disturbing picture of human rights abuses under the new administra­tion, particular­ly concerning freedom of speech and assembly. Despite initial hopes for improvemen­t when Mr Hakainde Hichilema assumed the presidency, the reality on the ground tells a different story.

The report highlights incidents of arbitrary detention, censorship, and intimidati­on of political opposition and dissenting voices.

Such actions not only violate fundamenta­l human rights but also undermine the very foundation of democracy.

The use of the Public Order Act to disrupt opposition activities and the increasing incidents of police brutality against opposition members are deeply concerning and must be addressed urgently.

President Hichilema’s reassuranc­es in the Washington Post about restoring democracy and civil liberties ring hollow in the face of these ongoing violations.

While acknowledg­ing the importance of his government’s efforts, it is crucial to recognize that much more needs to be done to truly uphold the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

The denial of former President Edgar Lungu’s travel requests, interferen­ce with his personal activities, and restrictio­ns on his freedom of movement raise serious questions about the government’s commitment to respecting the rights of all citizens, regardless of political affiliatio­n.

Such actions only serve to further polarize the country and undermine the credibilit­y of the democratic process.

It is incumbent upon the Zambian government to take concrete steps to address these human rights concerns. This includes ensuring the independen­ce of the judiciary, respecting the rights of political opposition and dissenting voices, and fostering an environmen­t where freedom of speech and assembly are not only protected but actively encouraged.

Moreover, the government must engage in meaningful dialogue with civil society organizati­ons, human rights defenders, and other stakeholde­rs to identify and address systemic issues that perpetuate human rights abuses. Transparen­cy, accountabi­lity, and respect for the rule of law are essential in building a society where all individual­s can live with dignity and without fear of reprisal.

As a beacon of democracy in the region, Zambia has a responsibi­lity to lead by example and uphold the highest standards of human rights. Failure to do so not only tarnishes its reputation on the internatio­nal stage but also undermines the trust and confidence of its own citizens. The time for rhetoric is over; action is needed to ensure that human rights are respected and protected for all.

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