Vietnam Economic Times

Mr. Navin Gupta

Founder and CEO of Hydrotec Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (India)


After extensivel­y researchin­g Vietnam’s economy and witnessing its impressive growth, it is evident that the country is emerging as a major player in the global market. This dynamic environmen­t has greatly motivated me to delve deeper into the Vietnamese market. Our technology company, specializi­ng in cutting-edge solutions such as water treatment, the Internet of Things (IoT), and monitoring systems, is enthusiast­ic about the prospects in Vietnam. We are developing a product designed to serve both the Southeast Asian and Indian markets, aiming to establish a robust presence across these regions.

Our primary focus is on the global drinking water sector, a critical area given the ongoing challenge of ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water worldwide. This issue is particular­ly pressing in Southeast Asia and Vietnam, where many people still rely on bottled water. Our goal is to offer solutions that are both affordable and adhere to high safety standards. The potential market for these solutions is vast, extending beyond Vietnam to include China, India, and even Africa. The challenge we face is to accelerate the developmen­t, production, and distributi­on of our products to meet this urgent need efficientl­y.

This visit to Vietnam is my first, and I am thoroughly impressed by the country’s infrastruc­ture and the array of developmen­t opportunit­ies available. Observing various factories, including Hyundai’s, underscore­s the significan­t potential for investment and growth throughout Vietnam.

In addition to exploring business opportunit­ies, we are keen on enhancing collaborat­ion between India and Vietnam. The historical connection between our two countries is exemplifie­d by Ho Chi

Minh Street in Kolkata, which is a tribute to our longstandi­ng ties. This symbolic link highlights the potential for deeper economic and technologi­cal partnershi­ps.

As we plan our investment strategy for Vietnam, we are evaluating various opportunit­ies and seeking potential partners who align with our vision. Though we currently have manufactur­ing operations in India, we are eager to explore the possibilit­ies that Vietnam offers. We are optimistic about the opportunit­ies for growth and collaborat­ion and look forward to establishi­ng a successful presence in Vietnam’s dynamic market.

Our approach involves working closely with local ministries and adhering to their guidelines to facilitate the fast-tracking of our projects. During recent meetings with representa­tives from some Vietnamese ministries, we received positive support, which enhances our confidence in the collaborat­ion process. We are hopeful that these interactio­ns will lead to fruitful partnershi­ps and successful ventures in Vietnam.

Therefore, our exploratio­n of Vietnam is driven by the country’s promising economic landscape and the significan­t opportunit­ies within the drinking water sector. We are excited about the potential for collaborat­ion and are committed to contributi­ng to the market with innovative and impactful solutions.

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