Yuma Sun



Reentry arrest

A convicted felon was reportedly caught trying to sneak into the U.S. early on Sunday, Sept. 8, by Yuma Station agents.

Jose Dante Ortiz Alvarado, a 40-year-old Mexican national, was arrested after agents discovered he had a prior conviction for statutory rape and previous deportatio­ns.

Ortiz Alvarado now faces prosecutio­n for reentry after removal.

Peer Support Training

Students in a peer support training course hosted by Yuma Sector were visited by Syble, a 3-year-old standard poodle K9 from the El Centro Sector, and her handler, Border Patrol Agent L. Regalado.

The course, which includes agents from various sectors, is designed to prepare participan­ts to provide support to their peers and families.

Rock-throwing incident

On the night of Sept. 5, Yuma Station agents were apprehendi­ng a migrant when rocks were thrown from Mexico, hitting two service vehicles.

No agents were injured, and the incident did not affect the apprehensi­on of the 55-year-old Mexican national, who will also face prosecutio­n for reentry after removal.

Human smuggling attempt thwarted On Sept. 3, Blythe station agents intercepte­d a dangerous human smuggling attempt when they stopped a Dodge Durango packed with eight migrants.

The migrants were unable to use seatbelts and were seated on top of one another. The Border Patrol noted that the incident underscore­d the reckless nature of human smugglers.

Yuma Sector by the Numbers

The following informatio­n is for August 2024:

• More than 1,700 migrants arrested from 35 different countries

• 12 human smuggling cases intercepte­d

• 3 drug smuggling cases intercepte­d

• 9 rescues

 ?? PHOTOS COURTESY: YUMA SECTOR BORDER PATROL ?? RIGHT: Blythe Station agents intercept an alleged human smuggling attempt on Sept. 3, stopping a Dodge Durango with eight migrants.
PHOTOS COURTESY: YUMA SECTOR BORDER PATROL RIGHT: Blythe Station agents intercept an alleged human smuggling attempt on Sept. 3, stopping a Dodge Durango with eight migrants.
 ?? ?? TOP CENTER: A window on a Border Patrol truck is shattered after a rock-throwing incident on Sept. 5.
TOP CENTER: A window on a Border Patrol truck is shattered after a rock-throwing incident on Sept. 5.
 ?? ?? TOP LEFT: Yuma Station agents arrested Jose Dante Ortiz Alvarado, a 40-year-old Mexican national, on Sept. 8. Ortiz Alvarado, a convicted felon with a history of statutory rape and prior deportatio­ns, is now facing prosecutio­n for reentry after removal.
TOP LEFT: Yuma Station agents arrested Jose Dante Ortiz Alvarado, a 40-year-old Mexican national, on Sept. 8. Ortiz Alvarado, a convicted felon with a history of statutory rape and prior deportatio­ns, is now facing prosecutio­n for reentry after removal.
 ?? ?? SYBLE, A 3-YEAR-OLD K9 FROM EL CENTRO Sector Border Patrol and her handler, Agent L. Regalado join visit a peer support training course hosted by Yuma Sector.
SYBLE, A 3-YEAR-OLD K9 FROM EL CENTRO Sector Border Patrol and her handler, Agent L. Regalado join visit a peer support training course hosted by Yuma Sector.

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