Yuma Sun

Jury is seated in Alec Baldwin’s involuntar­y manslaught­er trial in N.M.


SANTA FE, N.M. – Sixteen jurors were seated Tuesday for Alec Baldwin’s involuntar­y manslaught­er trial in New Mexico, where opening statements are set to start Wednesday.

Five men and 11 women were chosen by Santa Fe County special prosecutor­s and the actor’s team of defense attorneys. Twelve will be designated as the jury and four as alternates by the court only after they hear the case.

They’ll be tasked with deciding whether Baldwin committed the felony when, during a rehearsal in October 2021, a revolver went off while he was pointing it at cinematogr­apher Halyna Hutchins, killing her and wounding director Joel Souza. They were on the set of the Western film “Rust,” at Bonanza Creek Ranch some 18 miles (29 kilometers) from where the trial is being held.

Media members were not allowed in the courtroom when attorneys used their challenges to strike jurors. Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer swore in the jury, told them to avoid news about the case and to report Wednesday morning.

Baldwin, 66, could get up to 18 months in prison if the jurors unanimousl­y find him guilty.

The selection got off to a slow start Tuesday with a delay of over two hours due to technical problems, but the panel was selected in a single day as expected.

When Marlowe Sommer asked the pool of 70 possible jurors if they were familiar with the case, all but two raised their hands to indicate they were.

Two others indicated they would not be able to be fair and impartial and were excused.

Baldwin, the star of “30 Rock” and “The Hunt for Red October” and a major Hollywood figure for 35 years, sat in the courtroom with a team of four of his lawyers, dressed in a gray suit, dark tie, white shirt with glasses and neatly combed hair.

His wife, Hilaria Baldwin, and his brother, “The Usual Suspects” actor Stephen Baldwin, were seated in the back of the courtroom.

Under questionin­g from prosecutor Kari Morrissey, a potential juror said she hates firearms, but many others acknowledg­ed owning them and few people expressed strong opinions about guns.

Baldwin’s lawyer Alex Spiro in his questionin­g highlighte­d the gravity of the situation – “obviously someone lost their life” – and asked jurors to come forward with any reservatio­ns about their own ability to be fair and impartial.

“Does anyone have that view, even in the slightest?” Spiro asked the group.

He asked them to come forward if they’d shared opinions about the case online. None did.

Spiro asked if any of them had strong opinions on gun safety, and whether a person can rely on an expert to ensure the safety of a gun, not just themselves.

Several said they always treat a gun as if it were loaded. One man said he was taught to respect and treat guns the same way, but also deferred to an instructor during instructio­n he got for a concealed carry permit.

Spiro also asked whether jurors were comfortabl­e questionin­g the judgment of law enforcemen­t officials, even those testifying under oath.

He asked whether any knew potential witnesses, and several said they knew Santa Fe County Sheriff Adan Mendoza, who is on the prosecutio­n’s witness list.

Getting chosen to serve in a trial of such a major star accused of such a major crime would be unusual even in Los Angeles or Baldwin’s hometown of New York. But it will be essentiall­y an unheard-of experience for those who are picked as jurors in Santa Fe, New Mexico, though in recent years the state has increasing­ly become a hub of Hollywood production.

 ?? ROSS D. FRANKLIN/AP ?? ACTOR ALEC BALDWIN (RIGHT) and attorney Luke Nikas, arrive for jury selection in his involuntar­y manslaught­er trial on Tuesday in Santa Fe, N.M.
ROSS D. FRANKLIN/AP ACTOR ALEC BALDWIN (RIGHT) and attorney Luke Nikas, arrive for jury selection in his involuntar­y manslaught­er trial on Tuesday in Santa Fe, N.M.

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