Yuma Sun

Health August Awareness Days July


Healthy Vision Month

Healthy Vision Month emphasizes the importance of regular eye exams and protective measures to maintain good vision, encouragin­g people to adopt habits that safeguard their eye

health throughout life.

Sarcoma Awareness Month

Sarcoma Awareness Month raises awareness about sarcoma, a rare form of cancer, promoting research, early diagnosis, and support for those affected by this disease.

UV Safety Month

This observatio­n focuses on educating the public about the dangers of ultraviole­t (UV) radiation from the sun, advocating for protective measures like using sunscreen and wearing sunglasses to prevent skin and eye damage.

National Therapeuti­c Recreation Week - July 7-13

National Therapeuti­c Recreation Week highlights the benefits of therapeuti­c recreation programs for individual­s with disabiliti­es, promoting activities that improve physical, emotional, and social well-being.

Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month

Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month raises awareness about the importance of healthy vision and eye safety for children, encouragin­g regular eye exams and protective eyewear to prevent injuries and detect vision problems early.

National Immunizati­on Awareness Month

This observatio­n underscore­s the importance of vaccines for people of all ages, promoting immunizati­on as a vital public health measure to prevent infectious diseases and protect communitie­s.

Summer Sun Safety Month

Summer Sun Safety Month promotes awareness about the risks of excessive sun exposure, encouragin­g sun-safe behaviors such as using sunscreen, seeking shade, and wearing protective clothing to reduce the risk of skin cancer.

National Eye Exam Month

National Eye Exam Month advocates for regular eye exams to detect vision problems early, promoting eye health and preventing eye diseases through routine check-ups.

National Health Center Week - August 4-10

This week celebrates the contributi­ons of community health centers, recognizin­g their role in providing accessible, affordable, and highqualit­y healthcare to underserve­d population­s.

World Lung Cancer Day - August 1

World Lung Cancer Day raises awareness about lung cancer, advocating for early detection, research, and support for patients and their families, while emphasizin­g the importance of lung health.

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