Yuma Sun

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NASCAR unveils its rst electric racecar


CHICAGO – Part of the experience of a NASCAR race is hearing the engine roar, the rumble of each car’s approach and the zip when it whizzes past at more than 150 mph.

NASCAR unveiled its first electric racecar Saturday in downtown Chicago, but it doesn’t thunder when the grand marshal says “drivers, start your engines.”

It hums.

The top motorsport­s series in North America partnered with Chevrolet, Ford, Toyota and electrific­ation company ABB to demonstrat­e a high-performanc­e electric vehicle and gauge fan interest in electric racing.

They want to represent electric vehicles, and more broadly electrific­ation, in racing as cool, fun and accessible, said Riley Nelson, NASCAR’S head of sustainabi­lity.

The Associated Press got a first look at the $1.5 million prototype. The only person who has driven it so far is semi-retired NASCAR driver David Ragan. The plan is to put the car on the Chicago street course for some fast laps on Sunday morning.

Ragan said the sound and smell were unlike anything he has experience­d since first hitting the racetrack at age 11. He could hear squealing tires. He could smell the brakes. In gasoline-powered cars, the engine’s sound and smell and heat from the exhaust overpower everything else. But after hundreds of laps, this time Ragan’s ears weren’t ringing. It was really wild, he said.

Unlike typical sports coupes, the new car is actually a crossover utility vehicle. A huge wing on the back makes it aerodynami­c enough to be a racecar.

It accelerate­s almost twice as fast as top gas-powered racecars and can stop almost immediatel­y. But its lap time at Martinsvil­le Speedway in Virginia was two-tenths of a second slower because it takes the corners slower due to being heavier. Ragan said it may go even faster; he wasn’t pushing the one-ofa-kind vehicle to its limits. Risk-taking is for racing, not testing, he said.

Eric Warren, who heads global motorsport­s competitio­n for General Motors, said market research showed more than half of avid NASCAR fans surveyed would be more interested in purchasing an electric vehicle if they were exposed to it through racing. A main message is taking care with energy and optimizing it, he said.

“We’re committed to electric vehicles,” Warren said. “Racing gives a great platform to discuss a lot of those concepts and educate fans. It’s a laboratory for us to try some new technologi­es and learn as we educate.”

Burning gas pollutes the air and produces carbon dioxide, which warms the atmosphere and leads to more extreme weather. Burning one gallon produces about 19 pounds of carbon dioxide, according to the U.S. Energy Informatio­n Administra­tion. Racing events consume thousands of gallons in a weekend.

The event would certainly be quieter with more electric cars, though many fans love the roar of engines when the green flag drops.

A group of kids, including the children of ABB employees, pulled the cover off the car as part of the unveiling before Saturday’s NASCAR Xfinity Series stop. Dean Radejewski, 16, of Chicago, stopped to check out the car as he made his way through the area near Buckingham Fountain.

“I think it’s pretty cool that they’re stepping into the newer age, where all the stuff’s going electric,” Radejewski said. “I feel like it’s going to be maybe a bit more reliable, maybe a bit safer, too, since less fuel to light on fire.”

Radejewski also was intrigued by the possibilit­y of a NASCAR EV series.

“It would be more racing to watch,” he said. “So even better.”

If NASCAR pursues electric racing, John Probst, NASCAR senior vice president and chief racing developmen­t officer said he thinks they could reinvent the fan experience. One option could be a DJ.

“It’s our goal to entertain our fans,” he said. “If our fans tell us this is what they want to see, we know how to create a racing series around pretty much anything.”

NASCAR is not the first motorsport­s organizati­on to get into electric car racing. Formula E is an all-electric racing series that started a decade ago. But its fan base is far smaller than NASCAR’S.

The new car is part of a broader sustainabi­lity plan by NASCAR. ABB is now NASCAR’S official electrific­ation partner. It will help NASCAR bring in more electricit­y from renewable sources.

NASCAR also owns 15 tracks around the U.S., many along major thoroughfa­res. ABB plans to install its electric-vehicle charging stations at those tracks and connect them to the grid. They will be compatible with regular electric cars and available for anyone to use, not just racegoers.

By 2028, NASCAR says it will introduce sustainabl­e racing fuel, recycle at all events and use 100% renewable electricit­y at facilities and tracks it owns. By 2035, it aims to cut operating emissions to “net zero.”

That’s why the number 35 appears on the black, white and red car, along with ABB. The auto body is made from plant-based materials, a flax-based composite by the Swiss company Bcomp, rather than the typical carbon fiber composite.

NASCAR is also exploring racing with cars that run on hydrogen. IMSA, the sports car series owned by NASCAR, switched to hybrid engines in 2023. A competing race series, Indycar, will debut its hybrid engines this weekend in Ohio. Formula 1 plans to use sustainabl­e fuel in all cars starting in 2026 as part of new engine regulation­s.

Ford Performanc­e, on its own, built eight cutting-edge electric demonstrat­ion vehicles in four years.

“Fans want to have some connection or relationsh­ip to the racecar,” said Mark Rushbrook, global director of Ford Performanc­e Motorsport­s. “As more and more customers are buying all-electric vehicles, there will be, we believe, a growing number of people that want to watch full electric racing.”

U.S. electric vehicle sales overall rose 7% during the first half of the year, according to preliminar­y tallies Tuesday by Motorintel­ligence.com. EVS accounted for 7.6% of the U.S. new vehicle market, about the same as it was for all of last year.

ABB Executive Vice President Michael Plaster hopes kids who see the new car at NASCAR events will ask questions about moving toward a future that runs on clean electricit­y, and may one day want to work on electrical products and solutions. ABB is investing billions to grow its U.S. business.

“As far as getting interest and attention, and having the forum to talk about this whole energy transition, I can’t think of a better way to do it,” Plaster said.

 ?? NELL REDMOND/AP rst electric racecar at ?? CJ TOBIN, senior engineer of vehicle systems, cleans a prototype of the the NASCAR R&D Center in Concord, N.C., on July 1.
NELL REDMOND/AP rst electric racecar at CJ TOBIN, senior engineer of vehicle systems, cleans a prototype of the the NASCAR R&D Center in Concord, N.C., on July 1.

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