Yuma Sun

A halting Biden tries to confront Trump at debate

But stirs Democratic panic about his candidacy


ATLANTA – A raspy and sometimes halting President Joe Biden tried repeatedly to confront Donald Trump in their first debate ahead of the November election, as his Republican rival countered Biden’s criticism by leaning into falsehoods about the economy, illegal immigratio­n and his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrecti­on.

Biden’s uneven performanc­e, particular­ly early in the debate, crystalliz­ed the concerns of many Americans that, at 81, he is too old to serve as president. It sparked a fresh round of calls for the Democrat to consider stepping aside as the party’s nominee amid fears of a return of Trump to the White House.

Biden repeatedly tore into Trump in an apparent effort to provoke him, bringing up everything from the former president’s recent felony conviction to his alleged insult of World War I veterans to his weight. The 78-year-old Trump declined to clearly state he would accept the results of the November election, four years after he promoted conspiracy theories about his loss that culminated in the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on, and repeatedly misstated the record from his time in his office.

But Biden’s delivery from the beginning of the debate drew the most attention afterward. Trump’s allies immediatel­y declared victory while prominent Democrats publicly questioned whether Biden could move forward.

“I think there was a sense of shock, actually, of how he came out at the beginning of this debate, how his voice sounded. He seemed a little disoriente­d. He did get stronger as the debate went on but by that time, I think the panic had set in,” said David Axelrod, a longtime advisor to former President Barack Obama, said on CNN immediatel­y after. “And I think you’re going to hear discussion­s that, I don’t know will lead to anything, but there are going to be discussion­s about whether he should continue.”

Said Van Jones, another Democratic strategist, on CNN: “He did not do well at all.”

Rosemarie Deangelis, a Democrat who watched the debate at a party in South Portland, Maine, said she felt Biden gave the right answers to Trump but “didn’t have the spark that we needed tonight.”

“That’s going to be the challenge going forward. This is only June, this is the first, but can he sustain?” she said. “That is going to be the challenge.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, speaking on CNN afterward, sought to defend the president’s performanc­e while acknowledg­ing the criticism.

“There was a slow start, but there was a strong finish,” she said.

Biden repeatedly lost his train of thought

Biden began the night with a hoarse voice as he tried to defend his economic record and criticize Trump. A person familiar with the matter said Biden was suffering from a cold during the debate, adding that he tested negative for COVID-19.

Biden appeared to lose his train of thought while giving one answer, drifting from an answer on tax policy to health policy, at one point using the word “COVID,” and then saying, “excuse me, with, dealing with,” and he trailed off again.

“Look, we finally beat Medicare,” Biden said, as his time ran out on his answer.

He also fumbled on abortion rights, one of the most important issues for Democrats in this year’s election. He was unable to explain Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. A conservati­ve Supreme Court with three justices

nominated by Trump overturned Roe two years ago.

When asked if he supports some restrictio­ns on abortion, Biden said he “supports Roe v. Wade, which had three trimesters. The first time is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between a doctor and an extreme situation. A third time is between the doctor, I mean, between the women and the state.”

He added that he thought doctors, not politician­s, should make decisions about “women’s health.”

Biden began to give clearer answers as the debate progressed, still with a rasp, and attacked Trump’s record on issues like fighting climate change.

“The only existentia­l threat to humanity is climate change, and he didn’t do a damn thing about it,” he said.

Trump sought to de ect blame for Jan. 6

The current president and his predecesso­r hadn’t spoken since their last debate weeks before the 2020 presidenti­al election. Trump skipped Biden’s inaugurati­on after leading an unpreceden­ted and unsuccessf­ul effort to overturn his loss that culminated in the Capitol riot by his supporters.

Trump equivocate­d on whether he would accept the results of the November election, saying he would accept them if the vote was “fair” and “legal,” repeating his baseless claims of

widespread fraud and misconduct in his 2020 loss to Biden that he still denies.

Pressed on his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, Trump was unapologet­ic.

“On Jan. 6, we were respected all over the world, all over the world we were respected. And then he comes in and we’re now laughed at,” Trump said.

After he was prompted by a moderator to answer whether he violated his oath of office that day by rallying his supporters seeking to block the certificat­ion of Biden’s Electoral College victory and not acting for hours to call them off as they raided the Capitol, Trump sought to blame then-house Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Biden said Trump encouraged the supporters to go to the Capitol and sat in the White House without taking action as they fought with police officers.

“He didn’t do a damn thing and these people should be in jail,” Biden said. “They should be the ones that are being held accountabl­e. And he wants to let them all out. And now he says that if he loses again, such a whiner that he is, that this could be a ‘bloodbath’?”

Trump then defended the people convicted and imprisoned for their role in the insurrecti­on, saying to Biden, “What they’ve done to some people that are so innocent, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.”

Trump and Biden entered the night facing stiff headwinds, including a public weary of the tumult of partisan politics and broadly dissatisfi­ed with both, according to polling. But the debate was highlighti­ng

how they have sharply different visions on virtually every core issue – abortion, the economy and foreign policy – and deep hostility toward each other.

Their personal animus quickly came to the surface. Biden got personal in evoking his son, Beau, who served in Iraq before dying of brain cancer. The president criticized Trump for reportedly calling Americans killed in battle “suckers and losers.” Biden told Trump, “My son was not a loser, was not a sucker. You’re the sucker. You’re the loser.”

Trump said he never said that – a line attributed to Trump by his former chief of staff – and slammed Biden for the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanista­n, calling it “the most embarrassi­ng day in the history of our country’s life.”

Trump himself agreed to the withdrawal with the Taliban a year before he left office.

Biden directly mentioned Trump’s conviction in the New York hush money trial, saying, “You have the morals of an alley cat,” and referencin­g the allegation­s in the case that Trump had sex with a porn actress.

“I did not have sex with a porn star,” replied Trump, who chose not to testify at his trial.

Pressed to defend rising inflation since he took office, Biden pinned it on the situation he inherited from Trump amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden said that when Trump left office, “things were in chaos.” Trump disagreed, declaring that during his term in the White House, “Everything was rocking good.”

By the time Trump left office, America was still grappling with the pandemic and during his final hours in office, the death toll eclipsed 400,000. The virus continued to ravage the country and the death toll hit 1 million over a year later.

Trump was asked what he would do to make childcare more affordable. He used his answer to instead boast about how many people he fired during his term, including former FBI Director James Comey and criticized Biden for not firing people from his administra­tion.

The age question roars back

Prior to the debate, about 6 in 10 U.S. adults (59%) say they were “very concerned” that Biden is too old to be president, according to Gallup data collected in June. Only 18% had the same level of concern about Trump. The poll found Biden’s age was also causing alarm among some Democrats: 31% said they were very concerned.

But Trump allies would enter the post-debate spin room triumphant. Trump senior adviser Chris Lacivita called it “the most lopsided win in debate history” and mocked the Biden campaign for saying the president had a cold.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a high-profile Democratic supporter of Biden, was pressed on whether he would consider stepping in for Biden. He dismissed the questions, saying, “I will never turn my back on him.”

He said he knows Biden and what he’s capable of and said, “I have no trepidatio­n.”

Biden spent nearly a week at the Camp David presidenti­al retreat preparing for the debate. Shortly before the debate, Biden started selling cans of water labeled, “Dark Brandon’s Secret Sauce,” on his campaign website, mocking the suggestion­s from Trump and his advisors that he would use drugs to enhance his performanc­e.

Addressing supporters briefly at a watch party near the debate venue, Biden didn’t address his performanc­e directly, but said, “let’s keep going,” and indicated he has no plans to leave the race.

“See you at the next one,” he said.

 ?? GERALD HERBERT/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTI­AL CANDIDATE former President Donald Trump speaks during a presidenti­al debate hosted by CNN with President Joe Biden on Thursday in Atlanta.
GERALD HERBERT/ASSOCIATED PRESS REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTI­AL CANDIDATE former President Donald Trump speaks during a presidenti­al debate hosted by CNN with President Joe Biden on Thursday in Atlanta.

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