Yuma Sun

BLM seeks public input on proposed Yuma East-gila River Travel Management Plan

Comments on associated environmen­tal review can be shared online or in person June 26-27


The Yuma East-gila River Travel Management Plan (TMP) includes approximat­ely 700,684 acres of public land managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Yuma, La Paz and Maricopa Counties.

BLM is looking for public input on the environmen­tal assessment (EA) for the proposed plan, which “would designate routes for motorized and non-motorized travel, establish maintenanc­e guidelines, and identify use restrictio­ns to protect resources and public safety,” according to an announceme­nt put forth by the BLM Yuma Field Office. “The proposal would maintain access for multiple uses, including off-highway vehicle use, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, bicycling, and camping.”

The TMP’S area stretches along Interstate-8 from Somerton through Yuma, Wellton and Dateland, then reaches north along the Yuma and Maricopa County border to I-10.

Travel management planning follows a threephase blueprint: route inventory, route evaluation, and the developmen­t of a TMP. The process for this TMP began on January 24, 2024, and BLM has thus far identified more than 1,250 miles of routes to be included in this project.

“We appreciate the involvemen­t of our partners and the public in the developmen­t of this plan,” said Ray Castro, field manager of the Yuma Field Office. “It’s important for the BLM to conduct comprehens­ive planning to enable access for multiple land uses and conserve important resources, and we look forward to working with user groups, local and county government­s, and state agencies.”

The period for public comment will span June 26 through July 26, 2024. Anyone interested in helping BLM with their input can access the current draft of the EA, an interactiv­e map and overview of the project and submit comments at the National NEPA Register for the Yuma East-gila River TMP.

This page can be found by visiting the BLM website, scrolling to the “Popular Links” tab near the bottom, choosing “National NEPA Register” and searching for “Yuma East” in the search bar.

Informatio­n will also be provided on the proposed TMP and how to get involved at two Blm-hosted informatio­n sessions later this month.

The first meeting takes place Wednesday, June 26, from 5-7 p.m. MST, at the Yuma County Main Library at 2951 S. 21st Dr., Yuma, AZ 85364.

The second meeting will follow the day after, Thursday, June 27, from 5-7 p.m. MST, at the Microtel Inn & Suites in Wellton at 28784 Commerce Way, Wellton, AZ 85356.

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