Westside Eagle-Observer

Lady Bulldogs continue summer winning streak

- BY MIKE ECKELS Special to the Eagle Observer

ROGERS — Coming off of a trio of wins during the Lady Highlander varsity team camp in Eureka Springs on July 11, the Decatur Lady Bulldog basketball team, under new head girls coach Cassidy Valenzuela and assistant coaches Austin Frederking and Mike Eckels, made the short trip to Rogers on Thursday to participat­e in yet another team camp.

Ozark Catholic Academy and Athletic Director Cody Vaught organized and hosted the annual team camp, which lasted four days and hosted 60 teams from around Arkansas and Missouri.

The Lady Bulldogs played two contests. Each contest consists of two 13-minute halves with a oneminute break.

Up first was JC Westside Lady Rebels. From the start, neither team was on its offensive game plan, with more rebounding than hitting the basket. By half-time, the score was only in single digits, with the Lady Bulldogs holding a slim two-point lead, 7-5.

It was more of the same in the second half, with Decatur adding only six points to its first-half lead while JC Westside added only four. The final score was 13-9 in favor of Decatur.

Leading the scoring was Sunshine Thor with five, followed by California Herrington and Daisy Fuentes, each with four.

In the second and what proved to be the final game of the camp, the Lady Bulldogs faced the host team, the OCA Lady Griffins.

The Lady Bulldogs finally hit their stride under the leadership of Fuentes, and Shylee Morales and California Herrington made good defensive plays. At the end of the first half, the Lady Bulldogs held the Lady Griffins scoreless while building a 15-point lead.

The game ended with the Lady Bulldogs defeating the OCA Lady Griffins, 27-9, adding two more wins to the three at Eureka Springs.

Fuentes led the Lady Bulldogs with 14, followed by Leslie Hernandez with 5, California Herrington and Ruby Frye with 4, and Sunshine Thor with 2.

By the end of the four-day event, Ozark Catholic Academy had hosted just over 150 contests, making this event a huge success.

 ?? Mike Eckels/Special to the Eagle Observer ?? Lady Bulldog Daisy Fuentes (25) gets serious about preventing a Lady Griffin player’s inbound pass during the second half of the Ozark Catholic Academy-Decatur girls’ basketball contest in Rogers Thursday night. In the final game of the Ozark Catholic Academy team camp at the AAO facility in Rogers, the Lady Bulldogs defeated the Lady Griffins, 27-9.
Mike Eckels/Special to the Eagle Observer Lady Bulldog Daisy Fuentes (25) gets serious about preventing a Lady Griffin player’s inbound pass during the second half of the Ozark Catholic Academy-Decatur girls’ basketball contest in Rogers Thursday night. In the final game of the Ozark Catholic Academy team camp at the AAO facility in Rogers, the Lady Bulldogs defeated the Lady Griffins, 27-9.
 ?? ?? Mike Eckels/Special to the Eagle Observer Lady Bulldog Ruby Frye drives around a Lady Griffin defender on her way to the basket during the Ozark Catholic AcademyDec­atur basketball contest in Rogers Thursday night. The Lady Bulldogs won the final game of the OCA team camp at the Arkansas Athlete Outreach gym, 27-9.
Mike Eckels/Special to the Eagle Observer Lady Bulldog Ruby Frye drives around a Lady Griffin defender on her way to the basket during the Ozark Catholic AcademyDec­atur basketball contest in Rogers Thursday night. The Lady Bulldogs won the final game of the OCA team camp at the Arkansas Athlete Outreach gym, 27-9.
 ?? ?? Mike Eckels/ Special to the Eagle Observer Lady Bulldog California Herrington (22) keeps a tight grip on the ball as a Lady Griffin tries for the steal during the Ozark Catholic AcademyDec­atur basketball contest at the AAO gym in Rogers Thursday night.
Mike Eckels/ Special to the Eagle Observer Lady Bulldog California Herrington (22) keeps a tight grip on the ball as a Lady Griffin tries for the steal during the Ozark Catholic AcademyDec­atur basketball contest at the AAO gym in Rogers Thursday night.
 ?? Mike Eckels/Special to the Eagle Observer ?? Lady Bulldog Leslie Hernandez (left) traps a Lady Griffin in the corner, forcing a pass during the Ozark Catholic Academy-Decatur basketball contest in Rogers Thursday night.
Mike Eckels/Special to the Eagle Observer Lady Bulldog Leslie Hernandez (left) traps a Lady Griffin in the corner, forcing a pass during the Ozark Catholic Academy-Decatur basketball contest in Rogers Thursday night.

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