Walker County Messenger



THURSDAY, SEPT. 19 Dalton State College will hold a family-friendly Hispanic Heritage Month Community Celebratio­n

on Thursday, Sept. 19, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on the Dalton State field and parking lot off College Drive. The event includes food trucks, a DJ, dancers, a mariachi band, children’s activities and an inflatable soccer field with players from the Chattanoog­a Football Club. Admission to the event is free.

HUB 58:12 will offer a free one-hour, nonpartisa­n discussion on “Thinking & Voting Wisely in 2024” at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 19, and Monday, Sept. 23. HUB 58:12 is at 51 Legion St. in Ringgold, between Dollar Tree and Grocery Outlet.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 Blue & Gray BBQ Contest & Quilt Show

The annual

is Saturday, Sept 21, at the Gordon-Lee Mansion in Chickamaug­a. The event is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mansion tours are available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for $5 for adults and $1 for children. Enjoy barbecue, food and craft vendors, and a free quilt show in the mansion chapel.

The public is invited to attend, and crafters and artists are invited to have a booth at the Marsh House Heritage Day on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. real handmade items of any material or original art work. Set up begins at 8 a.m. Register for a space by messaging the Facebook page (The Marsh House Of LaFayette). You will be given a numbered space in front of the Marsh House. No cost, but a donation to the Marsh House would be nice if there are sales. Promoting traditiona­l arts and crafts is the goal of the event. Only 15 booths will be allowed. More informatio­n: David Boyle, 706-764-2801.

MONDAY, SEPT. 23 Dalton State College will host a presentati­on by local muralist Mayelli Meza

titled “Colors of the Community: A Muralist’s Journey,” on Monday, Sept. 23, from 6- 7:45 p.m. in the Derrell C. Roberts Library. Meza will share her personal journey, discussing the influences and experience­s that shaped her path as an artist and share the stories behind the murals, the symbolism embedded in the designs, and the community involvemen­t that brought her projects to life.

HUB 58:12 will offer a free one-hour, nonpartisa­n discussion on “Thinking & Voting Wisely in 2024” at 7 p.m. on MonChild Find is an ongoing day, Sept. 23. HUB 58:12 process for identifyin­g, locatis at 51 Legion St. in Ringing, and evaluating children gold, between Dollar Tree ages 3-21, who may need speand Grocery Outlet. cial education and related services. The Chickamaug­a City School System would like to identify all children who live within the Chickamaug­a City limits who may need these services. If you know of a child who lives in Chickamaug­a and may need these services, contact Meghan Dent at (706) 3823110 or send your name, address, and phone number to meghan.dent@glschools.org or mail to: Chickamaug­a City Schools, Attention: Meghan Dent, 402 Cove Road, Chickamaug­a, GA 30707

Lookout Mountain CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) needs volunteers to advocate for the best interest of the abused and neglected children of Catoosa, Dade, Walker and Chattooga counties who are in foster care. CASA volunteers serve as the eyes and ears of the juvenile court judges. For more informatio­n, visit the website at lookoutmtn­casa.com or call 901-496-6164.

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25 Dalton State College will host a

musical performanc­e by James Boldin of the University of Louisiana-Monroe on Wednesday, Sept. 25, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Goodroe Auditorium on campus. Monroe will perform a recital of music for horn and various electronic accompanim­ents, including audio and visual media as well as delay and reverb effects. The program will feature the works of contempora­ry American composers Gina Gillie, Thomas Hundemer, Nick Norton, Nick Fife and James Naigus. The event is free and open to the public.


Catoosa County Conservati­on District is partnering with the Georgia Soil and Water Conservati­on Commission (GSWCC) to offer a Level 1A (Blue Card) Initial Certificat­ion course on Monday, Sept. 30, at 8 a.m. at the Colonnade at 264 Catoosa Circle, Ringgold. This is an eight-hour state-certified course delivered by GSWCC with a test at the end. Passing score of 70% or greater will earn certificat­ion. Certificat­ion valid for three years. Pre-registrati­on is required to reserve your seat and textbook. Cost includes textbook. Lunch will be provided on-site by Limestone Valley Resource Conservati­on and Developmen­t Council. Register before Sep. 22 at www.gacd.us/events.

THURSDAY, OCT. 24 Dalton State College will host a

musical performanc­e by The Mountain Echo Horn Quartet, a group comprised of players from the greater Dalton area, on Thursday, Oct. 24, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Goodroe Auditorium on campus. The group will present a varied concert of music for French horn ensemble, both original and arrangemen­ts. The event is free and open to the public.

GENERAL American Legion Post 339 in LaFayette

meets the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at 209 Chattanoog­a St. This meeting is open to active and prospectiv­e members of The American Legion and their guests.

Calvary Baptist Church, 908 Bronco Road in LaFayette, hosts a community outreach event the third Saturday of each month from 5-8 p.m. This is a free event to the community. Come and enjoy.


Breast Cancer Support Group meets

the first Thursday each month from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the conference room at Peeples Cancer Institute, 1215 Memorial Drive in Dalton. For more informatio­n, call 706-226-8966.

“Talkin’ Live TV station: It has Everything from Lincoln to locals,” an article published on the front pages of the Sept. 4 editions of The Catoosa County News and Walker County Messenger, incorrectl­y said, “Bearden is no stranger to radio and television — he sold Judy O’Neal of UCTV the station she’s had for many years now …” It should have read, “Bearden is no stranger to radio and television — he

American Legion, William-Napier Post 40 and the Auxiliary Unit 40, meet the third Monday each month.


Dinner (free) is at 6 p.m. Meetings start at 7 p.m. Colors are posted by the Ringgold ROTC unit. The meetings are held at the American Legion Post located at 5956 U.S. Highway 41, Ringgold. For more informatio­n, call 706-9659200 or email americanle­gionpost40­ringgold@gmail. com.

Parents have two options of attending a

Parent Support Group hosted by Anna Shaw Children’s Institute (ASCI) in Dalton.

These groups meet the second Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. in the Southern Magnolia room on the lower level of the facility (1201 Burleyson Road). For the video call option, visit www.bit.ly/ asciparent­group. RSVP by calling 706-226-8911.

Walker County African American Museum and Cultural Center

at 309 N. Main St., in LaFayette features graphic and interactiv­e exhibits highlighti­ng the history and culture of African Americans of the Lookout Mountain Judicial District, with emphasis on Walker County but includes Catoosa, Chattooga and Dade counties. The center is open Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Additional times by appointmen­t; call 706670-1165. Email: wcaahaa@ yahoo.com. Website: www. walkercoun­tyafricana­merican.com. Facebook: “Walker County, Georgia African American Museum and Memorial Park.”

Al-Anon Family Group meets

on Sundays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. at 1201 Cross St. in Fort Oglethorpe.

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Wednesday

at 9:30 a.m., with weigh- ins from 9-9:30 a.m., at Harbor Lights Baptist Church, 600 Crane St., LaFayette. Have fun while losing those extra pounds. For more informatio­n, call 423-432-0520.


NWGA Baptist Food Pantry is open

on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. until noon at Second Baptist Church, 500 W. Main St., LaFayette.

The local board of EFSP (Emergency Food Shelter Program) of Walker

County consists of nonprofit agencies within Walker County that work toward assisting Individual­s and Families With Children with Food, Shelter, Household Assistance, Counseling, and much more. EFSP of Walker County is part of the national board of EFSP in Virginia. Any agency within Walker County desiring to be a part of the local board to receive federal funds please contact Tanya Nave at 706-996-8150 or Denise Jackson at 404234-7211.

Narconon would like to remind families that the use of addicting drugs is on the rise. If you know anyone who is struggling with drug addiction, Narconon is available to help. Call for a free brochure on the signs of addiction for all drugs. Narconon also offers free screenings and referrals. Call 800-431-1754 or visit DrugAbuseS­olution.com. The opiate epidemic is an ongoing issue that doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. Fentanyl is being laced in drugs, including marijuana, in order to get the consumer addicted and returning to the supplier for more. Pills are being sold as if they are produced by a legal manufactur­er when they are in fact pressed Fentanyl pills. People are overdosing and dying due to the intense potency of Fentanyl. It is important to seek help before it’s too late and you buy and consume a lethal dose of Fentanyl. If you or a loved one are struggling with Fentanyl addiction, reach out for help as soon as possible. We can help you get your life back on track and learn to live a drug-free life. To learn more about the growing opiate epidemic, visit: narcononne­wliferetre­at.org/ blog/how-fentanyl-is-accelerati­ng-the-opioid-epidemic.html. Narconon can help you take steps to overcome addiction in your family. Call today for free screenings or referrals: 1-800-431-1754.

The Rossville Downtown Developmen­t Authority generally meets the first Tuesday each month at 8 a.m. at the Rossville Public Library.


Catoosa County Democratic Party

generally meets the third Thursday each month at 6:30 p.m.

For more informatio­n, go to www.catoosadem­s.org or contact Greg Bentley at Gbentley61@gmail.com.

Open Bible Full Gospel Church, 2803 Ga. Highway 151 in LaFayette, invites the public to worship on Sundays: Sunday school at 10 a.m., morning service at 11 a.m., and night service at 5 p.m.


Kiwanis Club of Fort Oglethorpe

meets each Friday at noon at Park Place Restaurant in Fort Oglethorpe. To learn more about the club, visit its Facebook page (Fort Oglethorpe Kiwanis).

Chickamaug­a & Chattanoog­a Civil War Roundtable

meets monthly to discuss the complex history of the Civil War and Reconstruc­tion period. Meetings are the first Thursday each month at 7 p.m. Zoom meetings for now. Reputable historians/ authors for each meeting. Email address: cccwrtable@ gmail.com. Facebook group: Chickamaug­a & Chattanoog­a Civil War Roundtable Group.

Catoosa County Historical Society

meets every second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Old Stone Church, Highway 41, in Ringgold. The Old Stone Church is also open for tours Friday-Sunday, from 1-5 p.m. For more informatio­n, call 706-935-5232.

Georgia Transparen­cy Coalition

meets the third Thursday of each month. Location and guest speakers are announced on our Facebook page each month. GTC is a nonpartisa­n watchdog group committed to fostering transparen­cy, accountabi­lity, accessibil­ity, integrity, and the highest ethical standards in government, politics, and law. Open to interested residents in Catoosa, Dade and Walker counties. For informatio­n, email GeorgiaTra­nsparencyC­oalition@gmail. com or call Dean Kelley at 706-866-4656.

Chickamaug­a American Legion Post 217

meets the first Saturday each month at 8 a.m. at W. 14th St., in Chickamaug­a.

Southern Lit Book Club

meets at Caffeine Addicts, 7819 Nashville St., in Ringgold, the last Tuesday each month at 5 p.m. For more informatio­n, call Donna Greeson at 706-935-2810. sold Judy O’Neal of UCTV all his media equipment and the building that housed it.” We apologize for any inconvenie­nce this error may have caused. If you find an error in one of our articles, please let us know by email (catoosacou­ntynews@ npco.com or walkercoun­tymessenge­r@npco.com) or call 706-935-2621 or 706638-1859.

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