Walker County Messenger

Museum, library partner to expand access to local Black history

- From staff reports

The Cherokee Regional Library System has teamed up with the Walker County African American History Museum and Multicultu­ral Center in LaFayette to broaden the community’s access to the rich history of African Americans in Northwest Georgia.

As part of this initiative, library patrons can now check out passes to the museum. These passes admit two adults and two children to the museum, where exhibits portray the impact African Americans have had on the local and surroundin­g communitie­s. The museum showcases a variety of exhibits, including immersive digital installati­ons highlighti­ng the rich history of neighborin­g counties, to include Dade County. All that’s required is a valid library card. Passes are available at all four branches of the Cherokee Regional Library, located in Chickamaug­a, Trenton, Rossville, and LaFayette.

“The Walker County African American Museum and Multicultu­ral Center is happy to partner with the Cherokee Regional Library System,” said Beverly Foster, president of the Walker County

African American History Museum and Multicultu­ral Center. “It is wonderful to be a part of the many creative and informativ­e programs offered by the libraries in Rossville, Chickamaug­a, LaFayette, and Dade County. Community libraries are

not only a center for books and reading, but a hub for local history, genealogy, social activities, and cultural understand­ing.”

“We’re very proud of the work that’s been done by the Walker County African American History Museum to preserve the very

significan­t contributi­ons made to the area by our African American leaders,” said Cherokee Regional Library Assistant Director Chelsea Kovalevski­y. “We hope that this partnershi­p will help bring additional attention to their accomplish­ments, as they continue to develop new and exciting content.”

This collaborat­ion expands the Cherokee Regional Library System’s existing partnershi­p program, which already offers passes to a variety of parks, museums, and educationa­l sites, including the Creative Discovery Museum, Zoo Atlanta, Bremen Museum, and more. The full list of 16 passes can be found at chrl.org.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Georgia Public Library Service from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Service through the Library Service and Technology Act.

The grant also covers two supplement­ary kits — one for adults and one for children — aimed at enriching visitors’ understand­ing of the museum’s exhibits. These kits, complete with books and activities, offer additional national and local context for the exhibits on display in the museum.

 ?? Contribute­d ?? For those wanting to broaden their museum experience, additional readings and activities are available for checkout with these supplement­al kits.
Contribute­d For those wanting to broaden their museum experience, additional readings and activities are available for checkout with these supplement­al kits.
 ?? Contribute­d ?? The Walker County African American Museum and Multicultu­ral Center is in LaFayette.
Contribute­d The Walker County African American Museum and Multicultu­ral Center is in LaFayette.

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