Walker County Messenger


- By Tamara Wolk TWolk@CatoosaNew­s.com Tamara Wolk is a reporter for The Catoosa County News in Ringgold, Ga., and Walker County Messenger in LaFayette, Ga.

Two candidates, both Republican­s, are running for the Walker County coroner: incumbent William H. “Billy” Sims and challenger W. Dewayne Wilson.

Editor’snote:W.Dewayne Wilsondidn­otrespondt­oa Q&Asenttohim.



Personal: I was adopted by two great parents. They raised me in church. I graduated from Northwest Georgia High School in 1976, also from Walker Tech with my EMT degree.

Work history: I worked for Dade County Rescue and I worked for Lane Funeral Home for 20 years. I also worked at Angel EMS as supervisor, then at Moore Funeral Home for 20 years. I also worked as deputy coroner under Coroner Johnny Grey.

Political history: I’m a Christian first and foremost. I ran for Walker coroner in the 2021 election and won. I’m still working as the Walker County Coroner and I’m seeking reelection in the 2024 election.

Volunteer work, associatio­ns, etc.: I am a Mason belonging to Rossville Lodge 397. My wife and I are members of Harbor Light Church in LaFayette. I’m also on the board of directors of Southern Cross Ministries.

One or two living elected officials within the state of Georgia whom you admire: Gov. Brian Kemp and Colton Moore.

Why are you the best choice for the office you seek? My staff and I have brought honor, integrity and compassion to this office. The good Lord is first and foremost in the Walker County Coroner’s Office. We have a 35-40 minute response time; we get death certificat­es back to families before their first visitation or the funeral. I’m really blessed for my staff. I have prayer with every family that will allow me to.

I took a part-time position and made the Walker County Coroner’s Office into a full-time office for the citizens of Walker County.

Contact info: Phone: 423- 227- 8658; Email: hfmemorial­s@gmail.com; Facebook: William Sims for Coroner

 ?? ?? William H. “Billy” Sims
William H. “Billy” Sims

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