Walker County Messenger


- By Tamara Wolk TWolk@CatoosaNew­s.com

Two candidates, both Republican­s, are running for Walker County sheriff: Don Stultz and incumbent Steve Wilson, who is seeking reelection,


Political party: Republican Personal: My family has deep roots in Walker County dating back to the 1800s. My father, Don Stultz Sr. was a highly decorated WWII veteran, and my mother, Nell Robinson Stultz, played an instrument­al part in the Manhattan Project in Oakridge, Tennessee. I have two brothers, William (a retired executive for Westin Hotels) and Robert (Walker County District 4 Commission­er). My wife, Maggie, is the Principal of LaFayette High School, and long-time educator and coach.

Work history: I began my career with the City of LaFayette as a reserve police officer and later became a patrolman. Hired by the Georgia State Patrol in 1980. Trained with the GSG9 anti-terrorism team in Germany. Trained by the State Patrol in several different tactics. Climbed through the ranks from Trooper, to Trooper First Class, to Corporal, then Sergeant, to Post Commander at the rank of Sergeant First Class, to Lieutenant, and ultimately served as Troop Commander at the rank of Captain for the Georgia State Patrol. In 2017, appointed by Governor Nathan Deal and confirmed by the Georgia Board of Public Safety to serve as Troop Commander for Troop A of the Georgia State Patrol. Under my leadership, Troop A excelled in drug interdicti­on and criminal apprehensi­on, including human traffickin­g, sex crimes and other heinous crimes. Troop A was awarded the TOP Troop Award for the first time in Troop History one year after I took over. I retired in 2020 to care for my mother, Nell — a promise I made to my late Father.

Political history: I am not a Politician, I am a Lawman.

I served on the LaFayette City Council from December of 1990 until December of 1995; however, I consider myself a political outsider.

Volunteer work, associatio­ns, etc.:

Member of LaFayette First United Methodist Church. Have been part of many national and internatio­nal organizati­ons and previously served in the LaFayette Rotary Club. Currently, I volunteer for five non-profit groups, including the Sexual Assault Victims Advocacy Center, serving three Northwest Georgia counties including Walker County. Area Chairman for Ducks Unlimited of Northwest Georgia. Ducks Unlimited is both a national and internatio­nal conservati­on group. Active volunteer for the Dalton chapter of Ducks Unlimited and in the Gordon Pond Fishing Club. I also enjoy the history and heritage of our county and state. Part of the historical Marsh House Committee, serving as a local community board member.

One or two living elected officials within the state of Georgia whom you admire: Governor Nathan Deal was a knowledgea­ble and kind man to work for. He was instrument­al in bringing our State forward during difficult times. His ideas brought Commerce to our State, and in particular, North Georgia. He was also a man that supported law enforcemen­t and fostered commitment among all.

I also admire Commission­er Robert Stultz, District 4 Commission­er of Walker County. I respect his high level of service to others and faithfulne­ss to the term “Service Above Self,” a quality that was instilled in him by our father. My brother’s day begins well before daylight and ends well after dark. Robert is deeply devoted to everyone he serves and to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Why are you the best choice for the office you seek? I am not a Politician, I am a Lawman. I believe that Walker County is in desperate need of new leadership. We are faced with an out of control drug epidemic, rising homeless crimes, and lackluster customer service. I believe my 40+ years of experience and 3,000+ hours of training and education have prepared me to better serve Walker County as your sheriff.

Contact info: Website: www.stultzfors­heriff.com; Facebook: “Don Stultz for Sheriff — Walker County”; Email: Don@stultzfors­heriff.com; Phone: 423-605-0369


Political party: Republican Personal: My great, great, great grandparen­ts settled in the Cane Creek district, Walnut

Grove Community of Walker County in 1850. My wife, Sandy, and I raised our family in the same community where my great, great, great grandparen­ts settled 174 years ago. I am the son of George and Ann Bradley Wilson. I have a brother, Dale Wilson. My wife and I have been married 42 years. We have three children and seven grandchild­ren.

Work history: I began my law enforcemen­t career with the F.B.I. in 1976. I worked with the Georgia Department of Correction­s and the LaFayette Police Department prior to joining the Walker County Sheriff’s Office in 1986. In 1996, I was a candidate for Sheriff and was elected in the November general election. I have served seven terms as Sheriff of Walker County.

Political history: I was elected Sheriff in November 1996. I took office on Jan. 1, 1997.

Volunteer work, associatio­ns, etc.: Member and

Deacon of Oakwood Baptist Church, Chickamaug­a; past board member of the Family Crisis Center and Cottage; member of Blood Assurance, North Georgia Advisory Board; member of Chickamaug­a Lions Club; president of Al Millard Memorial Stocking Full of Love; trustee of Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes Foundation; past president Georgia Sheriffs’ Associatio­n and Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes

One or two living elected officials within the state of Georgia whom you admire: Sheriff Cullen Talton, Houston County, Georgia

Why are you the best choice for the office you seek?

I have dedicated my adult life to serving in law enforcemen­t at the Federal, State, City, and County level. I have served as Sheriff of Walker County since 1997 and I have worked at the Sheriff’s Office since 1986. I am well-trained and knowledgea­ble of how to operate a jail, courthouse security, patrol and detective divisions. I have a great working relationsh­ip with our law enforcemen­t partners at the Federal, State and local level. I am the only candidate for Sheriff that has worked to prosecute murders, drug dealers, sex crimes, frauds, burglaries and thefts. I have led the Sheriff’s Office for the past 27 years with compassion for victims, firmness towards criminals, and have worked to represent the citizens with a profession­al image. Serving the citizens of Walker County has been an honor of a lifetime.

Contact info: Phone: 706-6384500; Email: walkersher­iff01@gmail. com; Website: www.sheriffste­vewilson. com; Facebook: www.facebook.com/ sheriffste­vewilson

 ?? ?? Steve Wilson
Steve Wilson
 ?? ?? Don Stultz
Don Stultz

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