Valley City Times-Record

VC Community Mural Project: Leaving your mark!


September 12th the Summer Vikes on Central filled downtown Valley City with a sea of cardinal for an evening of creativity, community, and connection! Valley City Tourism and Summer Nights on Central representa­tives invited the community to join in on creation of a Central Avenue mural, just off the corner of where Valley Officework­s meets Valley Service Gas Station.

This project wasn’t just about paint—it was about people. The mural, designed by a group of local artists, was created to increase the vibrancy of Valley City, inspire art involvemen­t, showcase the fun and exciting things Valley City has to offer, and remind us all of the beauty we can build when we work together.

The community mural is more than an artistic piece—it's a reflection of Valley City and the amazing people who make Valley City great. It symbolizes the spirit of community engagement, where every brushstrok­e is a reminder that we all have a role in creating something bigger than ourselves. Whether you're a seasoned artist or someone who's never picked up a paintbrush, your contributi­on helps foster a sense of belonging and connection. Together, we’re making our community more colorful, vibrant, and inspired.

A heartfelt thank you to Dean and Dixie Sauer at Valley Officework­s for donating the north side of their office building to be the home for this mural and to Valley Service for letting us use their driveway space to make this event possible. We also want to extend a huge thank you to Mrs. Krueger and her art students at VCHS for volunteeri­ng to help during this project.

 ?? Submitted photos ?? Valley City Community Mural Project on the corner of Central Avenue, where Valley Officework­s meets Valley Service Gas Station.
Submitted photos Valley City Community Mural Project on the corner of Central Avenue, where Valley Officework­s meets Valley Service Gas Station.

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