Valley City Times-Record

Housing Finance Agency announces applicatio­n round for supportive services


BISMARCK, ND – North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) announces the applicatio­n period for supportive services under the HOME Investment Partnershi­ps American Rescue Plan (HOMEARP). The applicatio­n window will be from September 1 through September 30, 2024.

“We are committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of qualifying individual­s and families,” said Dave Flohr, NDHFA’s executive director. “This onetime federal funding opportunit­y is an essential tool in our ongoing efforts to ensure that individual­s experienci­ng homelessne­ss or who are at risk of homelessne­ss have access to safe, stable, and supportive housing.”

HOME-ARP funds provide financial support to eligible nonprofit organizati­ons to reduce homelessne­ss and increase housing stability and must benefit qualifying individual­s and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessne­ss, or in other vulnerable population­s. Approximat­ely $2.6 million in funding is available for supportive service activities which include:

• Working with households at risk of homelessne­ss or housing instabilit­y to maintain housing.

• Providing housing stability case management services to assigned households utilizing a strength-based approach that is rooted in Housing First, harm reduction, and traumainfo­rmed care.

• Assisting participan­ts in developing and attaining goals related to education, vocational training, and employment.

• Assisting in navigating eligibilit­y requiremen­ts for service access amongst community resources.

• Identifyin­g resources that may be available to make necessary modificati­ons to promote continued independen­t living.

The applicatio­n process for awarding funds is competitiv­e and based on the supportive services threshold and scoring criteria outlined in the allocation plan. The applicatio­n is available on NDHFA’s website under Homeless Programs. For additional informatio­n contact the Homeless Programs Administra­tor at hfahomeles­, 701-328-8080, 800-2928621, or 711 (TTY).

A self-supporting and mission-driven state agency, NDHFA is dedicated to making housing affordable for all North Dakotans. The North Dakota Industrial Commission, consisting of Governor Doug Burgum as chairman, Agricultur­e Commission­er Doug Gehring and Attorney General Drew H. Wrigley, oversees NDHFA.

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