Valley City Times-Record

Letter to the Editor


In the upcoming election, I think we should vote no on the measure to eliminate property taxes. This measure, if passed, would be devastatin­g for our state, our cities, and our communitie­s. A similar measure was defeated in 2012, and thank goodness it was, because in 2014, my family moved to North Dakota to build our careers and create our home together, me as a teacher and my husband as a first responder. We moved to North Dakota because we saw opportunit­ies for two people that felt a calling to public service. We saw great schools, beautiful communitie­s, and a place to put down roots as we grew our family. If this measure passes, it would take away about 40% of our school funding and 20-30% of our city and county funding with no plan to replace it. As a result, the state government would have to replace that funding at a cost of $1.3 billion each year – with no guarantee to increase funding going forward. That loss of funding would not only be detrimenta­l to our careers, it also threatens the life we’ve created together. So many young families like ours benefit from the funding that is received through property taxes for schools, cities, and counties. Property taxes pay for firefighte­rs, police officers, libraries, parks, and schools. Ultimately, this measure would take away local control from cities, counties, school districts: that means communitie­s would not be able to make the decisions that would be best for them. As you go to the ballot in November, please vote no on Measure 4 to keep properly funding our public schools, cities, and counties to keep our communitie­s the kind that people want to come to as they build their careers and create their homes.

Monica Klein, Mandan, ND

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