Valley City Times-Record

VCSU sports facilities get a new look

- By Paul McDonald TR News/Sports

It has been nearly two decades since the W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse has had any upgrades done to it. But now when you walk into the facility, known throughout the region as “The Bubble,” a couple of things will stand out, including large lettering on the wall and a new paint job.

In the early 2000’s, the current floor was put in and there was some renovation­s in the lobby, along with the current bleachers installed. And that was the last time it was painted as well.

VCSU Assistant Athletic Director Mark Potts gave this reporter a quick tour of the new look for the facilities. Potts explains the reason behind the “facelift.” “The Bubble is such a unique and well known gym in this region and in North Dakota, we didn’t want to completely redo it, but we wanted to look for ways to enhance the feel of the inside, and make it feel like a college gymnasium and improve the gameday atmosphere experience” Potts said. “So some of the things we settled on was a new paint job, some big lettering to pop off the walls and give you the “WOW” factor when you walk in.” And in this reporters eyes, oh yeah, mission accomplish­ed. On one side of the building it says “VCSU” in big white lettering and on the other side it says “The Bubble” in the same lettering, as shown in the top photo.

Potts said the paint, a bold Cardinal color, helps accentuate a unique part of the Bubble. “We have heard that it also enhances the wood structure on the ceiling, the wood beams, it will really brings that out.”

Potts adds that they have redone one of the concession­s stands so fans can do some shopping before the game. “We have added the Viking Store. We have made one of our concession stands into the Viking Store that will offer high quality Under Amour VCSU apparel. The gear that our coaches and our players wear, the fans can now purchase as well. It will also alleviate some pressure on concession­s, as we will be offering drinks and snacks out of that stand as well.” Potts continues, “Really, we are just trying to move VCSU athletics forward with some modern feel to it. Keep the excitement building. We have that new big build

ing coming soon and we just wanted to take care of some other parts of our athletic facilities as well.”

Next to the Bubble, Lokken Stadium got a little work done as well. Potts explains it has been sometime since any changes were made to Shelly Ellig Field and Lokken Stadium. “The turf was put in around 2011,” Potts remembers. “So the turf and the scoreboard were last updated, about 12-13 years ago, and it was just a handful of years ago we replaced the seats at the stadium.” Potts adds, “We are also having conversati­ons about visitors seating, that will be something new. That is not a very appealing spot so that is on the horizon as well.” The old press box is now gone, replaced by three separate press boxes. One for game workers and home coaches, one for media and visiting coaches and one that may be turned into a private box. There is also a crows nest on top of the middle box that will be used for video streaming.

The plans for these changes have been in the works for a while. It just so happens they come as Valley City State University gets ready to move into the Frontier League in the fall of 2025. “These are conversati­ons that we have had for the last couple of years,” Potts said. “Things take time, so it is really exciting this summer to be pushing some of these projects across the finish line. So these have been in the works for a while but to finally push them across the finish line, that’s exciting for us.”

 ?? Photos by Paul McDonald/Times-Record and Mark Potts/VCSU. ?? Valley City State University upgrades to “The Bubble” (on top of page) new paint job. Middle and bottom photos, Shelly Ellig Field and Stadium updating.
Photos by Paul McDonald/Times-Record and Mark Potts/VCSU. Valley City State University upgrades to “The Bubble” (on top of page) new paint job. Middle and bottom photos, Shelly Ellig Field and Stadium updating.
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