Valley City Times-Record

If your happy and you know it clap your hands

- By Nikki Eining, CSW-PIP, QMHP

“If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.” A song familiar to all of us. However, how familiar is the awareness of our body clues of feeling happy to all of us to truly “know it”? Recognizin­g body clues and sensations to aid in the next steps of labeling emotions is the first key skill in emotional intelligen­ce. Unfortunat­ely, these are not skills we are taught.

Mental health developmen­t across the lifespan is as vital as physical and cognitive developmen­t. Understand­ing the biology of our nervous system, the sensations and body clues linked to emotions, and the outcomes of attending to these sensations and body clues, allows us to increase wanted outcomes within our lives. There is a growing trend towards normalizin­g the practice of developing mental health skills among adults, mirroring the emphasis long placed on physical and academic education. This shift recognizes that mental well-being is integral to overall health and productivi­ty in adulthood. Initiative­s promoting mindfulnes­s, stress management, and emotional resilience are gaining traction in workplaces and community settings. Employers are offering resources such as mental health days, counseling services, and workshops on mental health topics. By prioritizi­ng mental health alongside profession­al developmen­t, organizati­ons aim to create healthier, more productive environmen­ts where individual­s can thrive personally and profession­ally. This holistic approach acknowledg­es that mental health skills are essential for navigating the complexiti­es of adult life and achieving long-term well-being.

Dr. Mark Brackett, from Yale University, is renowned for his work on emotional intelligen­ce and the role of emotions in learning, decision-making, and overall well-being. Brackett’s research and teachings focus on how sensations in the body signal emotional states and how acknowledg­ing these feelings can enhance emotional regulation and decisionma­king. He emphasizes the significan­ce of recognizin­g comfort levels as a crucial aspect of emotional awareness, suggesting that attunement to one’s emotional comfort can lead to better self-regulation and improved interperso­nal interactio­ns.

Practicing these skills is as simple as getting curious about what is happening within our body and noticing if our body is comfortabl­e or uncomforta­ble. Regularly check in with yourself throughout the day to assess your emotional sensations. Ask yourself how you’re feeling and whether any discomfort or stress is present. Get curious about yourself.

Developing emotional awareness and comfort with these skills is a gradual process that requires patience, selfcompas­sion, and consistenc­y. Be gentle with yourself and celebrate small improvemen­ts along the way. By incorporat­ing these practices into your routine, you can cultivate greater emotional awareness, understand your comfort levels more deeply, and create more outcomes you desire to have. You will also truly be able to live the song, “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.”

Nikki Eining is a private independen­t practice licensed social worker who serves as the Statewide Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program Coordinato­r for The USD Center for Disabiliti­es and Owner of Grace Grit Growth Counseling LLC in Brookings, SD. Nikki brings a diverse set of experience­s and passions spending over 18 years working in the mental health field. Her previous experience has focused on supporting youth and families in office, school, and community settings without outpatient behavioral health services and prevention programmin­g. She has profession­al experience in clinical mental health, education, research design, nonprofit, program developmen­t, and trauma-informed care practices.

Nikki is passionate about trauma and healing-informed practices, the power of protective factors and collaborat­ion across communitie­s to help decrease barriers for youth and families. Nikki is a Theraplay Level 1, 2 and Group trained therapist, SAPST trained prevention provider, and an ACE Interface Certified educator. Follow The Prairie Doc® at and on Facebook and instagram featuring On Call with the Prairie Doc® a medical Q&A show celebratin­g its 22nd season of health informatio­n based on science, built on trust, streaming live on Facebook most Thursdays at 7 p.m. central.

 ?? ?? Nikki Eining
Nikki Eining

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