Valley City Times-Record

NDSU to host July Field Day events

- By Chelsey Schaefer VCTR Correspond­ent

When someone says ‘have a field day,’ it usually means that something upsetting or embarrassi­ng is happening to someone.

Fields by themselves are not particular­ly embarrassi­ng or upsetting. The saying comes from the 1700s; military terminolog­y for practicing maneuvers. But it evolved into meaning ‘a shambles of an event.’

Now, the modern meaning does not apply to the NDSU Extension Research Field Days. Far from it!

Those field days are all about growing things, and the new technology applied to them- and even new varieties to grow.

Three of the Extension Research Centers are hosting field days in the soon approachin­g days of July: The ones in Langdon, Minot, and Williston.

Langdon and Minot both have one-day field days; featuring a short introducti­on from directors Randy Mehlhoff and Shana Forster respective­ly, followed by farm tours.

Minot’s North Central Research Extension Center field day is on the 17th of July, beginning at 8:30 a.m., and will feature carbon capture, cover crops, forage production trials, insect pests, soybean diseases, weed control, robotics in the field, and conclude with a Case IH equipment demo, followed by a provided lunch.­e/ag-research/events/north-centralrec-field-day is a good place to find more informatio­n about this field day!

The Langdon field day is on July 18th, beginning at 8:30 a.m., and the topics of discussion there include peas, canola, soil salinity, carbon credits, new wheat varieties, an update on the NDSU woody plants breeding program, and more! Following that is lunch provided by the partners in cooperatio­n for the event, the Northern Canola Growers Associatio­n.

Interested? More informatio­n can be found at https://www.ndsu.

edu/agricultur­e/ag-hub/ research-extension-centers-recs/langdon-rec.

NDSU Extension Research Center upcoming Field Day schedule:

July 15: Agronomy Seed Farm exploratio­n

July 16: Carrington Field Day

July 17: Minot Field Day

July 18: Langdon Field Day

To learn more about any of those goings-on, this link can lead you to all you want to know:­e/ag-research/ rec-annual-field-days.

Now those sound like the kind of field days that people like to hear about! Exciting, filled with new informatio­n, and finishing off with a meal, where people can discuss what they’ve learned and enjoy some fellowship with likeminded others.

Have a field day at the NDSU Extension Center Field Days- it’s guaranteed fun!

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