Valley City Times-Record

Howard Oppegard Landing

An idea become as reality on Eckelson Lake

- By TR Staff

Fishing is a sport that is enjoyed year round in North Dakota, with locals claiming “stake” to their favorite fishing holes.

The small city of Eckelson, ND, is very happy to boast both Eckelson Lake and the Howard Oppegard Landing, as the seemingly newest-and favorite lakes of choice. The landing sporting a beautiful new, state of the art, boat dock and ramp access for fishermen to enjoy and utilize year round, all thanks to our local and state organizati­ons.

The upgrade process began when a private citizen, Dick Monson, approached Perry Kapaun, president of the Barnes County Wildlife Federation, with an idea. Monson had noticed that more people were fishing on Eckelson Lake and he felt the lake entrance needed to be made more accessible and safer for visitors.

Kapaun realizing this was going to be a major project that would require more funds than Barnes County Wildlife Federation would be able to give, reached out to North Dakota Natural Resources (NDNR) Trust to apply for funds from the state’s Outdoor Heritage Fund. The addition of the $50,550 in funds gifted from NDNR, created a total budget of $85,650 to work with in making this idea a reality.

In 2020 the American Foundation for Wildlife accepted a generous donation of a 3.5-acre parcel of land next to Eckelson Lake in Barnes County, privately purchased by Dick Monson in the early summer. Monson tells the Times-Record he and Howard Oppegard (land owner) recognized that anglers were using Highway 22 as a boat launching and ice fishing access. Both men, avidly involved in the Barnes County Wildlife Federation, and who both enjoyed hunting and fishing, were greatly concerned about the safety of individual­s utilizing the lake this way. So much so, that the two agreed to solve this issue with a minimal financial exchange.

Work began soon after to clean up this property and create access for the future with additional boating access, all year long and to continue developing the walleye fishery.

The current boat access was graded and sloped with a concrete ramp for launching larger boats installed with the help of the American Foundation for Wildlife and Kjelland Constructi­on. This work, along with the creation of a concrete picnic table (built by BCW volunteer Lewis Legge) and the expansion of the current native pollinator grass, forb planting and a shrub border-overseen by Barnes County Wildlife, are the finishing touches for the Howard Oppegard Landing.

Site offers:

Boat ramp, 20 feet wide and 100 feet long. This ramp allows fisherman to safely launch larger watercraft along with a courtesy dock, provided by North Dakota Game & Fish for anglers to secure watercraft while loading and unloading at the ramp.

Concrete Picnic Table. Adjacent to Highway 22 between the towns of Eckelson and Sanborn, the Howard Oppegard Landing, will provide travelers the opportunit­y to pull off the highway and enjoy the view of a beautiful lake while having lunch on a beautiful concrete picnic table.

Pollinator Species and Shrub Planting. Expansion of the existing pollinator planting that is currently adjacent to the landing now, coordinati­on and developmen­t handled by the NDGF land management personnel out of the

Jamestown office.

Organizati­ons involved in the creation of the Howard Oppegard Landing include: ND Outdoor Heritage Fund, Barnes County Wildlife, Fingal Wildlife, ND Wildlife Federation, ND Game & Fish, ND Natural Resources Trust, American Foundation for Wildlife and Kjelland Constructi­on.

About Howard Oppegard Landing Named after Howard Oppegard, original land owner and friend to so many from the area. Howard, who passed away earlier this year, will be missed by all but his legacy continues on as families and friends gather to enjoy Eckelson Lake and the Howard Oppegard Landing site.

About Barnes County Wildlife Federation (BCWF) and North Dakota Wildlife Federation (NDWF)

With over 600 active members, the Barnes County Wildlife Federation is an organizati­on devoted to promoting and preserving outdoors opportunit­ies for the people of Barnes County.

Through habitat programs, access projects, and beneficial additions throughout the county, BCWF helps thousands of people each year get more enjoyment out of hunting, fishing, camping and other recreation­al opportunit­ies, and ensures that those opportunit­ies remain plentiful in the area.

The BCWF is allied with the North Dakota Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation in protecting natural resources, promoting the heritage of hunting, fishing and trapping and giving a voice to the individual sportsman and conservati­onist in a time where commercial­ization of wildlife and wanton waste and destructio­n of our natural resources is escalating.

Through local conservati­on efforts and a tight-knit membership, BCWF is helping to make a difference in our outdoors by protecting and promoting the many natural resources, watchable wildlife, fish and game found throughout Barnes County and beyond. The BCWF meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Valley City Eagles Club. For more informatio­n, or to join the organizati­on, visit www.barnescoun­tywildlife­

The Times-Record joins the area communitie­s in a HUGE shout out and special thank you to the BCWF for all that you offer to the people of Barnes County including the various campground­s, boat launches, handicappe­d fishing locations and fish cleaning stations in our area.

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 ?? Photos courtesy of Todd Anderson. ?? The Howard Oppegard Landing new boat dock and ramp, on Eckelson Lake, pictured above.
Photos courtesy of Todd Anderson. The Howard Oppegard Landing new boat dock and ramp, on Eckelson Lake, pictured above.

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