Valley City Times-Record

Why Faith Matters!


I know that “Faith Matters,” but this week I am having a struggle with what to write in this column. I question why? Is it because the redominant messages coming at us are not about faith? The only place I find messages about faith are on EWTN, Real Presence Radio and on KOVC Radio, at the noon “thought for the day” segment. Has it always been this way? I went to The Acts of the Apostles, in chapter 3, versus 13-16 we read:

The God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus, whom you handed over and disowned in Pilate’s presence when Pilate was ready to release him. You disowned the Holy and Just One and preferred instead to be granted the release of a murderer. You put to death the Author of life. But God raised him from the dead, and we are witnesses. It is his name, and trust in his name, that has strengthen­ed the limbs of this man whom you can see and know well. Such faith has given him perfect health, as all of you can observe.

If this is the way Jesus was treated, can we see in our own days in history, why some people treat our fellow human persons as commoditie­s. They promote the freezing of human persons until someone wants a child, and is willing to buy a child, paying a huge amount of money.

The added tragedy, is that many more frozen human persons die in the medical process.

Some people do not give recognitio­n to a God who wants to be in a relationsh­ip with us. Therefore, they do not understand why we put great emphasis on our relationsh­ip with Jesus. All of you who read this “Faith Matters” column, I encourage you to call on the Holy Spirit to direct you in the Bible where you can nourish and strengthen your friendship with the Father, with Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Father Donald Leiphon Chaplain for Sisters of Mary of the Presentati­on, Valley City

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