Valley City Times-Record

Mobile food pantry returns to Valley City, June 6th

- By TR Staff

The Great Plains Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry will be stopping in Valley City on June 6th.

“Each time our Mobile Food Pantry makes stops inside Valley City, you can immediatel­y see the need as cars typically fill up the parking lot at the football stadium waiting to go through the distributi­on,” Jared Linde, communicat­ions manager for the Great Plains Food Bank, said in an email. “All the volunteers there are fantastic to work with along with the Epworth United Methodist Church.”

All who hunger are welcome – if you or your family has suffered hard times or is struggling with food scarcity as we go into the new year, you are encouraged to attend.

“At the beginning, clients will fill out a short intake form before driving through the distributi­on,” Linde said. “Clients are asked to stay in their vehicles and volunteers will put food directly into the back of the vehicle. If any friends or family members cannot attend the distributi­on, you may pick up extra food to accommodat­e them.”

The mobile food pantry will be in Valley City on June 6th from 1:303 p.m. It will be held at the Epworth United Methodist Church parking lot located at 680 8th Ave SW in Valley City.

The mobile food pantry will also be stopping in Jamestown on June 6th from 5-6:15 p.m. at the Jamestown High School, 1509 10th St NE.

In order to keep the mobile pantry as safe as possible and to protect the health of volunteers and clients, individual­s attending distributi­on are asked to stay in their vehicles.

Those interested in supporting the work of the Great Plains Food Bank or volunteeri­ng with them should visit www.greatplain­ to find ways to volunteer time or donate money or foodstuffs.

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