Valley City Times-Record

50 Years That Changed It All: Food, Farming and Community


Dr. John Ikerd will share his perspectiv­es on food, farming and community as part of the Barnes County Historical Society’s 150 birthday celebratio­n for the county.

A nationally and internatio­nally known writer and speaker, he will be at the Valley City Eagles Club on Thursday, June 13 at 7:30.

Dr Ikerd is an emeritus professor at the University of Missouri who grew up as a dairy farm kid in Missouri, worked for the 3rd largest meatpackin­g company in

America, then earned a PhD in agricultur­al economics at the University of Missouri. For years as a faculty member at the University of Oklahoma, North Carolina State and then University of Georgia, he taught what he learned-“go big or go home” and “farming is a business, not a way of life”. In Georgia as an extension livestock marketing specialist, he helped start the hog industry but, then, also witnessed the 1980’s farm crisis. He saw firsthand how hard this philosophy was on the land, rural communitie­s and farmers who lost their land and sometimes their lives in the period of collapsing prices and credit overextens­ion.

Since then he has travelled extensivel­y to speak with and listen to producers, policy makers and consumers in support of sustainabl­e agricultur­e, local food networks and independen­t farmers. He wrote the 2014 UN report on Family Farms in North

America, has written 6 books, numerous journal articles, and publishes an online blog.

The talk is free, open to the public and will be on Zoom.

For Zoom link, contact

This talk is co-sponsored by the Dakota Resource Council and private donors.

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